
Sketch is finished. Ten pages, front and back, and half of the front of the eleventh. (Quarter of a page, technically.) Wrote about three and a half of it today, from three-thirty to six, when I took a break to converse with my mother about selling unneeded textbooks and to cook hamburgers.

Black pepper works very well. I almost had a swiss burger, but then I realised the cheese wasn't actually swiss, it was really moldy provologne. EWWWW.

Then wrote again from about seven-thirty to ten. WOO HOO FINISHED.

I was right, too. Temperature matters to me with writing. I write poorly in cold and often can't write at all. I get too restless or I lay down and sleep.

Another webcomic spreadage, again courtesy of Keister.

Oh frack. That nickname does not work. *helpless chortling*

Anyway. Dominic Deegan, Oracle for Hire. First strip is a decent intro but kinda meh, so I'll whet appetites with the second one. Some of the puns are worse than mine, but apparently it's "a staple of the series". Here's another, and the archive so yous can starts wherevers yous wants.

...Shadow is about to nosedive off the end of the railing-shelf, here. I'm waiting for her head to plunk into the wood.
