Hooray involvement.

"Literary Club Group Story"

The following story contains several fragments by several authors. The Literary Club worked on this chain story throughout the year, adding a little bit and passing it on to another. [The names of the contributors have been deleted to protect the naive and otherwise offendable.]

I was walking down an old country road with a couple of buddies on a crisp, cool fall afternoon. We were looking for a trail that led into the woods to an old abandoned house. We had been walking for over an hour and still could not find the trail. Maybe it has grown up I thought to myself. Or maybe we are not meant to find it.

All of a sudden, I heard a rustling in the leaves. Soon, out jumped a rabbit. We were all very relieved to see the cute, fuzzy bunny, but just as we turned away, a huge, wolf-like creature sprang out and ripped the bunny to shreds. Then, the creature stood up, smiled, and said, "Cheers, fellow travelers! Would you like a rabbit's foot for luck?"

As we all looked at each other, amazed, we took the foot. Within minutes, we found the trail that lead us to Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory. Once we were in, we partied with the Oompa Loompas like there was no tomorrow.

Ah, but there is tomorrow. I thought to myself, Was that a dream? No, here is the rabbit's foot, and boy does my head hurt! What was in that chocolate? Oh well, who cares? Back to the business at hand. I'm going to find that house even if my buddies don't go back with me. I will prove to myself and to all the people who doubt about the secret room and the power it contains.

But how was I going to find that miraculous room? The emerald songbird sang only one hint before bursting into flame:

An old travelled path past the trickster's deceit
Of candy-sweet dreams soon the true guide will meet
Follow to find the room's long hidden secret
But peril awaits from those longing to keep it

I kept on the path with my friends close behind. We were a small group, but we knew the responsibility for finding the ancient power was a great one that we had been raised to pursue. I paused for a moment to let my friends walk ahead for a while.

When the last companion passed by, I started walking behind her, watching the small line of people zig-zag along the path. I jumped when a finger tapped me on the back.

Startled, I froze in my tracks. There before me stood an old crone. She had hay-like hair and gnarled hands with long, curved fingernails. She frightened me. I couldn't help but notice the beautiful yet haunting necklace she wore. My eyes were fixed on the black stone in the center of the necklace. I couldn't move; I was in a trance. I tried to speak, but my mouth failed me.

The crone told me that my curiosity was going to be the end of my friends and me. My heart told me that her power was in the black stone of her necklace. She came towards me and, as fate would have it, she stumbled. I reached out and jerked the necklace from her neck, and she fell to the ground, dead. The black stone had a map inscribed on it and led us to the house and room we were looking for. The splendor and magic there made our wildest dreams come true. Later, we were amazed to see a door to another room appear. A bodiless voice beckoned us to enter. We decided to take a chance, thus, another mysterious adventure began.
