I think I figured something out.

Yesterday I was really lethargic. Thought it was because I stayed up late the night before or something. Or because I sat and played vidjeo gamez for hours with my buddy. Something. (Also I spent too long leaning forward and so had a crick right on the back of the right side of my pelvis. So that was fun.)

So I went to sleep and got a nice seven hours, woke up lethargically and dozed for fifteen minutes, got up and ate lethargically, lethargically attempted to install a new pulley-line for our dog (which was stymied because one of the tether trees was young and needed to be drill-prepped), came back inside, put my head on my bed and stood there (my bed is tall enough for me to put my head on it if I slouch) for about an hour.

Then it occurred to me that I was a bit lethargic. Hmm.

I lethargically remembered my mother talking about my sisters being dehydrated after marching band, wherein they would become unreasonably cranky and stupid (I mean damn they were stupid when this happened), so it occurred to me that I might get unreasonably impatient and stupid by correlation. Although I didn't think that at the time. I mostly thought "...water?".

So I drank a glass and a half of water.

And then I did four loads of laundry, folded and put away, snagged the drill and pliers when my father got home and affixed the line, and added paint to four undersea canvases that'll go on the front of the football field during the band's show.

So the next time I feel like my blood isn't moving, I think I'll grab some water again.

I kind of miss being at school, because then I had a twelve-pack of water bottles on rotation full in the fridge and empty on my desk. I'd get four empty and go to the sink. Lasted me a full year.


I dunno. But it works better than buying bottles of water all the fracking time. And I'm fortunate to have drinkable tap water. (Whoever came up with the word 'potable' should be beaten; it should mean 'able to be potted' not 'able to be drunk [out of a pot]'.)
