Item Acquired.

First day of classes. One-word summary?


'Kay, I start off the day at the lovely hour of eight, where I awaken and prepare for my triad of classes. Come nine (oh-five), I'm in Differential Equations with a Chinese-American professor, Dr. Yung-Way Liu. Pretty clear speaker, but still seems to have the dialect of the first-generation immigrant, so I'll have to pay attention so a phrase here and there don't slip past me. The math department is instituting a tablet-teaching system, and since there's no projector in the classroom Dr. Lui has to bring in and set up a mobile one as soon as the class before us vacates. Fun fun. Still, he seems to be better at it than my Cal 3 professor last year, so that's good.

After that it's off to Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering (for MechEs and CivEs and IEs), with–hang on, lemme find it–Ganapathy Kumar. I'll have to tell you how he speaks, but it is very rapid and most of his syllables come from the tip of his tongue. It'll be interesting to see how the Southern population responds to that; I have a slight advantage since I can partially lip-read and I can see words as text (ish), but we shall see.

And then straight to Mechanics of Materials with Dr. Y. Jane Liu, who is the wife of my DiffEQ professor, as I found out from a friend. Her English is also good, but not as clear as her husband's, and she tends to drop her voice from time to time. I think I shall sit in the second row at least from now on, or at least somewhere away from the HVAC unit.

So my odd days should be fun, considering how much I love dialects. Stilted Chinese-English, stilted Indian-English, and more stilted Chinese-English. Oh, and then trombone choir rehearsal right after lunch (where I get Wisconsin-English XD), and I'm done.

Also Allamorph obtained +1 Guild Wars.
