Okay, Internet.

I am sick of all these damned force-listen ads you've decided need to be everywhere now. iMeem I could tolerate because I rarely go there. Pandora I can cope with because the nice little desktop widget means I never get them. YouTube pop-up slogans I could understand, and thought were clever.

But now you're putting them in the space between the clicking of a YouTube link and the actual video itself.

You know what I liked about banner ads back before we didn't have blocking software?


I don't want to have to play guessing games with the mute button, trying to count twelve seconds until the ad finishes. I don't even want to have to stay in the same tab long enough to see how long the advertisement is. And I for damned sure don't want to see that googly-eyed stack of money you thought was clever enough to replace your last overused, worn-out, irritating gecko mascot—which was clever the first few months or so but now, with all the repeated iterations, just makes us want to grab the nearest phonebook and turn it into a really small greasy spot.

Television ads can't be fast-forwarded through. Unless you record the programs. And then it doesn't count because it's not technically television any longer, it's a video tape. But television ads can be muted, and a person can leave the room while the ads are playing—in sequence, mind you, since timing a 30-second trip out of the room would be stupid. (And if some genius ever decides that breaking up ad blocks for individual programming would make ads more effective, I will be forming a lynch mob.)

The purpose of advertisements is to generate money for the people displaying them. They have the potential to generate additional traffic for the people who created them, but it's not a guarantee.

Forcing us to watch and listen to ads before we can do what we came to do, while we're multi-tasking, is far too invasive for my liking. I don't want to be told where to fsking get my car insurance every time I want to check out a band on YouTube. Indoctrination is not your responsibility.

(Seriously, I want to mangle and destroy living, red-blooded creatures right now.)
