Fun With Asians

So I have a friend who's Korean, came over as an exchange student back when I was a junior in high school (and is now about to graduate with his bachelor's, I think). In the time since he's been here, his English has gotten really good, but every now and again his innocence gets the better of him.

Or rather, he is innocent and I get the better of him and he tells me OH MY GOD I HATE YOU SO MUCH WHY DO YOU DO THESE THINGS TO ME while we're all dying on the floor. (Because, really, nothing is quite so funny as an embarrassed, indignant Asian who knows dramatic anger is also funny.)

For example, there were these Hot Pocket commercials a few years ago that had some wastrel-looking teenagers doing random things (donuts in a parking lot, sitting with a girlfriend, etc.) and an old Japanese guy would jump out and yell "You no hungry for donuts! You hungry for HOT POCKEEEEEEEEEET" and then the slogan would obliterate the screen.

Well, one day Jiwon's facebook status read "Jiwon is hungry for adventure."

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Come to find out, he hates Japan.

So every time we've reunited since then, I've always had to shout HOT POCKEEEEEEET really loud so he could pretend to go off and attack me amid much shouting and stuff. Because I care.

And it's damned funny.


Today I get online and his facebook status reads "Jiwon is on an anime streak ... this is bad...." So me being me, I respond with "Jiwon is a streaker?"

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BUT WAIT. His response:


. . .


In his defense, there was more. "Yes! I'M A HARDCORE STREAKER! I watched one anime season from 11PM to next morning 6AM, lol. HELPS ME!" But still.

So I've linked him to the disambiguation page on Wiki for Streaker, and suggested he might mean on a binge or on a marathon. And when he logs in again he'll flip out and flame me again.

