I Had A Dream!

There were no black people or white people in it, though.


Seriously, though, I had the most visually stunning dream ever last night.

Started off like most of my intense dreams do: incoherently, with jumbles of images and scenes that would make sense if I were actually dream-conscious to pay attention to them, and which is usually the exposition period during which my imagination is convincing my mind that this scenario is real. The general gist of them, I think, is that I was a field-tester for an advanced technology department of sorts, which means I got all the fun tasks; at one point I'm pretty sure I was testing a motion-accelerator suit, which was interesting.

Also might have been a hint that I need to post regarding a certain someone. My dreams are subtle like that, and it's irritating. =P

Anyway, the current baby of the department was a sentient being-thing which manifested physically in three white, glowing spheres. No research was being done on it as I recall; the main focus of the endeavors in that area were in communication and interaction. The location where the being was being "held" was rather spacious—also had a strange set of objects in the center of the room arranged in a kind of inward-pointing tri-formation; not sure what that was there for—and it almost seemed to me from what little I interacted with it at first that it was choosing to stay there itself, and was residing more than being contained.

So at the interesting part of this dream, I had just finished a testing session and was in the locker room (for equipment, not clothes) looking out the window when I noticed the head of that wing's security standing in the lot outside and staring off towards the rest of the complex. I thought, "Oh great, did someone leave the access gate standing wide open again?" and went out to see what could be done.

I get outside, and the sky was completely overcast and kinda bleak (which I remember because apparently in the dream the forecast had been for partly cloudy and partly cloudy it was not), but when I got to where she had been the gate was shut and she was gone...and then I noticed the door to the being-research building was standing wide-open (it was a large door) so since I had nothing better to do I took a quick peek inside and watched the team working through various hand-signs to which the being would respond with what looked like bursts of color. Then I left, but of course being me I look everywhere when I have nowhere to go, so I accidentally looked in the exact same direction the security chick had been staring.

The clouds from about the first meridian down had been completely wiped away, and smack in the middle of the dazzlingly clear section of sky was the top of another Earth. I stared for a good minute before I could do anything.

I had a thought and went back into the building where the being was, and looked back to where I'd seen the color bursts, and sure enough there on the wall was an image of Earth. The people in the room meanwhile were performing various interpretive dance movements and complicated flips, to which a very small part of me went "...they must be very dedicated people...", but as I was watching in semi-disbelief, the image changed to something else really cool (but now I can't remember what it was), and so I dashed back outside.

Sure enough, there it was in the sky. And holy Moses, it was vivid.

I'm pretty sure that while I stood there watching our planet was surrounded by various celestial bodies, and about ten minutes elapsed before it occurred to me that frilling with the solar system would probably have some weird impact on our environment, especially with another entire Earth that close. (Really bad tidal situations came to mind.)

So I ran back into the building and ... stuff happened with the general end result that I got the message across to all necessary personnel, including the mysterious celestial-body-creator thing, which thereupon opened up a black hole and manipulated gravitational forces so that all of the things it had made were sucked in.

(I was outside watching this at the time, which means that it had migrated out of the building.)

Then the black hole collapsed on itself and was sent careening away into the reaches of space while the being turned our atmosphere into a gigantic projector so we could all still watch (for whatever reason; this was pretty well solid Sci-Fi B-movie plot by this point), and it traveled about six galaxies away, ran into something like a Class Y planet (which is basically planet-speak for Hell On Earth), and blew up on impact.

And then there was some white mass in the sky which roiled and churned around in the same spot and then exploded pieces of itself out one side, which then folded back in and out the other side (as another explosion took place) to form a kind of aura-like band, and this process repeated over and over until the shape took on an almost Christmas-ornament look—if ornaments had nucleii—which was just gorgeous.

And then the images started jumbling together again. I remember something about the being sequencing DNA while doing a visual projection for us to watch, which was cool, but other than that I can't remember much specifically.

But man. I know why I don't dream often now. My brain saves up its special-effects budget for ages and then blows the whole thing in one go. There was so much detail in what I saw that I simply don't have the time to communicate, and it was stunning. I remember waking up and going "...wow, I wanna watch that movie again."

Also this post took all day to write, in about three different sittings.
