Game Plug

Point-and-click adventure games aren't really my thing. The problem I tend to have with them is that the player is not simply required to figure out puzzles, but often they first have to figure out what the puzzle even is, and once that's done they are usually beset with slightly retarded characters who, despite being able to interact with darn near everything, typically can't figure out how to use any of what's available.

My roommate told me to look up a game called Machinarium without telling me what it was, and it turned out to be a point-and-click adventure game. But I went through it a bit, and I became decidedly impressed.

I mean, with a post title like that, you'd have hardly expected me to spend the entire post talking about how I hated the genre, right?

You have to buy the game, but I encourage you all to give the demo a test. The puzzles shown seem to be clever but decently simply once you decide to test things out, and the art style and music are both lovely.
