I haven't yet figured out how to fix that sentence yet. I haven't been trying very hard, so it might not happen for a long while, but if it comes to me in a dream and I don't forget it in another dream then I shall tell you, and if not then in the end it doesn't really matter.

Anyway. Went home today to get my tuxedo for Friday evening's concert (for which we have all of two rehearsals, and one of them was Monday and was two hours of sight-reading). Meant to go home at around ten in the morning but left at two in the afternoon because of an impromptu staying-up-until-five-thirty accident followed by a sleep-until-noon remedy.

Two-thirty in the afternoon is probably the single best time of day to be driving through Tennessee on the highway.

Three-thirty, on the other hand, sucks.

So I get home and find out that my little girl cat has been omnommed and has puncture wounds on her head and under her chin, and she looks permanently pissed because it probably itches like nuts and because all the hair around the wounds is cut off. But she was thrilled to see me and stayed on my shoulder or arm or lap for eighty percent of my visit.

Our new kitten is probably about nine or ten months old, very small, very dainty, and very vocal. Cute little thing, and the epitome of a lap cat. And according to everyone else she is also the gassiest cat we have ever had. Thankfully I was not afflicted with the proof.

Talk with my parents a lot and find out about some good old Small Town Drama that has made me very displeased with my community but into which I shall not delve too terribly much except to reference This Present Darkness by Frank Peretti, only without the New Age motif being quite so pronounced. At one point I began talking rather fervently to my mother, and she shushed me as we were outside.

I loathe artifices, even more so when they're 'necessary'.

Items besides the tux were retrieved, and then I was taken Krogering and am now stocked in my dorm room with another half-gallon of milk, two boxes of Cinnamon Life, a bag of oranges (minus one =3), two bags of chips (one Lays, one tortilla), a half-gallon of The Juice, a large bottle-thing of Cran-Grape juice, a loaf of wheat bread, a six-pack of hoagy rolls, an eight-ounce bag of pepperoni, a half a pound each of roast beef, ham, and turkey, and the most adorable little jar of mayonnaise you have ever seen. =P


And lion and tiger. Oh my.

Now I am waiting for my laundry to dry and pondering whether or not I should eat some chips.
