Minor Peeve.

It occurs to me that when I start discussing these topics at such lengths that the people who bother to read them must think to themselves at some point some form of "Good grief, man, if this is so trivial why are you spending so much time thinking about it? It can't be healthy to take everything this seriously."

And I don't. But what I do take seriously is communication. For instance, if I merely said "I really dislike the term 'OCs'," someone would be bound to ask me why and then offer a token defense of the term such as "there's nothing wrong with it," which ... there really isn't. But that prompts me to reply in kind with something equally unproductive as "I dunno, I just think it's stupid," to which the person says either "well that's just your opinion," or proceeds to get huffy at me, and so nothing is accomplished except a lot of ill will.

But if I explain myself thoroughly first, it inspires understanding in those reading, and occasionally it will prompt a reply with an equitable degree of thought involved, which in turn also propagates understanding, and so on and so forth. And so long as both parties are interested in making their points clear and no time is wasted on injured feelings, then the endeavor has proven rather fruitful.

In regard to whether I think about this sort of thing all the time, and to whether I think about everything and analyse everything down to core components, that answer is no. Most of my thinking is actually gut reaction and images or senses that flit through my head in rather a small unit of time. (Say, picoseconds? =P)

But in order to allow other people to understand what I'm thinking and feeling, I have to communicate with them, and so I tend to take the route that is the most accurate and thorough, and hang the brevity half the time. Brevity is, after all, the soul of Wit (and of Sardonicism, incidentally), and merely a neighbor to Serious Clarity, and often what I am thinking and feeling cannot be initially understood without serious digging into what all is involved in said thoughts and feelings, even more so because apparently I function on a completely different wavelength from the entire fracking planet for some reason, a statement I have been told several times but have yet to fully accept.

And it's not so much that I feel that if I use enough words eventually I'll get the point across. In actual heavy conversation, I tend to stop and start and pause a lot while I search for the clearest way to get a concept accurately communicated. I am much less eloquent in person than I am in text, let me assure you—although I talk in pretty much the same manner and with the same words and phrasing.

The overarching point of these ramblings, to me then, is not so much that I get the idea out but that it is also understood. If I talk and desire understanding and no one understands, then I might as well have been saying peas and rice for half a fracking hour and the same end result would have been accomplished.

Or in short, never ask for my opinion on something unless you want to wade through the Entish.