Houston, you're breaking up....

Oh, I do love being home again with family.

  • My room (and bookcase and bed) has been usurped (and spraypainted with trees) by my first sister.

  • I sleep on a fold-out couch at night.
  • I am forced to change in the middle of the den because I abandoned sleeping in pants months ago and no longer have any sleeping lower garments (or any lower garments other than blue jeans now).
  • During the day I kind of muddle around figuring out what to do since nothing is on television except the standard Disney Channel crap (although they showed The Nightmare Before Christmas the other day, so *crosses fingers*) and since I no longer have a room to retreat to I have to either plug into my computer with headphones and Audiosurf or emulate GBA roms (of which I have FE6, and Pokemon Sapphire for a reason that I knew once) or go outside.
  • A cat played with and destroyed the left bud to my headphones so that method is reduced in effectiveness by about 65% (I need total immersion and the left side is more important to me than the right).
  • I share one internet port with six people who all (except Dad) get aggravated when they can't get on instantly, regardless of if I just sat down or not.
  • My previous method of waiting until everyone was finished and heading towards sleep is no longer viable apparently because in the time between the day I got home and the day after I got home my mother developed an inability to sleep if someone is standing in the middle of the kitchen and breathing, and so the almost inaudible sound of laptop keys tapping is akin to a pounding in her ears (according to her, I suppose). I can stay up and watch anime or television with the sound really far down, but the internet is forbade because her Mother Sense will go off and she will force my father to grumble downstairs in his underwear and flick light switches at me while he blinks blearily and dons a disapproving look which I am certain is more in annoyance at having to get out of bed than at me for not being in it.
  • I will reside for four weeks in a space larger than a can of tuna with whitewashed cinder-blocks and a vinyl mattress.
  • I have friends to visit.
  • I have cats.
  • I have fifty bucks from my grandmother for Christmas. o O
  • I have to use twenty-five of that money to purchase gifts for other people because I have no cash of my own. But this is what I've always had to do. =P
  • I need to cash that check my grandmother sent me for my birthday. > >
  • I might be able to make one Movie Sign evening before I go back, although I might also have gigs.
  • I was told tonight I look like John Wilkes Booth.

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  • I was told Monday night I looked like David Crowder: "a really skinny white guy with huge hair and a massive beard who looks really goofy playing a guitar on stage".

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  • I visited my wheelchair-bound friend two days this week, and one Tuesday had my beard tugged on by his mother, whereupon I mildly acknowledged the joke she was attempting to make, added a gentle "please don't do that again, ma'am", and effectively shattered her effort. It's the little things, you know. (She still makes me food, of course. It's chronic for her. And it's ridiculously tasty.)

  • I am going to attempt to write something or somethings for things at some point. Probably. They may or may not be specific. I think.
  • I left my heart in San Fransisco. By which I mean I left my big coat and therefore my gloves in my dorm closet.
  • I still really really want to do Laser Tag but I have sincere doubts that that will ever happen, even though there is an arena in fracking Cookeville where I go to college and it's only five bucks. Getting people into the mood for it is like pulling teeth. Maybe I should invent a way to combine Laser Tag with Ultimate Frisbee.

Expect a post sometime or other about the Christmas Eve service at our church this evening. It was . . . ehh, it was a thing.
