I thought I was speaking English, at any rate.

Conversation this evening between me and my parents.

Me: So I got an email back from the Bursar. My request went through and was processed, and all I need to do now is go to the website and accept the loan offer.

Mom: How much did you ask for?

Me: Based on remaining tuition, food for the semester, and books, four thousand.

Mom: (surprised) Is that going to be enough?

Me: Yeah, I think so.

Dad: (from computer) Did you check with the Bursar?

Me: (slowly) Uh. No, I just guessed and looked up the amounts afterwards. (cocks eyebrow)

Mom: Are you sure? Because I thought the tuition itself was four thousand and something.

Me: Yeah, you're right, and I'm also getting a Pell grant, so that's helping some. So yeah, we're all set.

Mom: Are you going to be okay for books? (hesitates as I blink) Did you say books already? I might not have been listening.

Me: (blank stare)

Dad: (stares at ceiling with one hand over his eyes) He said books already.

I went back downstairs at this point and kept watching Alien: Resurrection.

Speaking of, I am now a die-hard fan of [amc]. I only care about a few channels anymore, and they are Sci-Fi, [amc], USA, and occasionally whatever's on 40, 41, and 68. Spike hasn't shown anything decent in a long time.

My first sister (the room-stealer) went through [more] job stupidity today. Her manager seems to constantly break labor laws (denying people their checks, altering the schedule at the last minute without notifications, forbidding fraternisation between coworkers Except For Those Two it's okay for them, etc.) and already has a lawsuit up against her because she struck an employee hard enough on the arm to cause bruising. My sister gets a call about ten after eleven this morning, someone telling her she's scheduled from eleven to four when she checked yesterday and was listed as off today and tomorrow, so she's running late an afraid this manager will use the excuse to fire her (was in tears in the kitchen; if she hadn't been in a hurry I would have hugged her and still wish I had managed to), goes in, her pants for her uniform (which she just bought) are too long so she gets crap for that too (to the tune of the aforementioned manager saying "I'm the only reason you're still working here) and such), and the place is totally dead so she was let off after about an hour and some change. So she's off to another town until tomorrow evening to hopefully score something else or get on the way to doing so so she can get out of that stupidity before my father goes in there with a list of labor laws to shove in someone's face.

He used to manage a Pizza Hut, so I kinda trust him.

Given she's been dealing with that, and given that my other two sisters had shared a room for almost fifteen years, you might start to understand why I don't really make a big fuss about sleeping on a fold-out couch bed. =P
