
We got snowed on for the past couple of days. Started Wednesday as crystalline sparkles in the sunlight, which we all call Flinkles after the hilarious blooper made years ago by our local meteorologist for channel Five when we lived in Florence. (It was a great day for news. =P) Been snowing pretty steadily since then, so about now the ground looks like someone went out and dumped a massive bag of confectioner's sugar all over the yard. Naturally we can still see the grass.

I'll try and take pictures of it so you can see how pitiful the snow we get is. We usually get it about once a year, too.

What we usually have to worry about in this region is ice. Because of the moderate climate here on the plateau, the temperature might dip down low enough for snow, come back above freezing and mushify everything, and then plummet back down for a few days—not unlike how they always tell you how hail is formed in the upper atmosphere, with freezing and melting and refreezing and what. So we get icy roads which are lovely, and we get 'black ice' which is really just ice with water underneath and is deceptive and even more lovely, and we also might get melted snow below freezing (read 'freezing rain') that can knock out power all over the place.

Did that one year while we were out of state, and we came back to a refrigerator full of spoiled food and a freezer that was out in the cold garage so nothing mattered much anyway. =P

So I was called over yesterday to spend the afternoon with my home-bound friend, and found out it was a subtle ploy to get me to spend the night, what since there was a danger of black ice on the roads that night and my friend's parents worried about people driving out to get me.

Also when I got over there I found another friend of ours there as well, so much of the day was spent playing Castle Crashers, which is far more fun and addicting than it should be and I totally blame Newgrounds for everything.

Then about eleven or so my friend decides it's time for him to wind down, so he flips on the TV series stuff he has through the Netflix/xBox Live deal, and settles down to watch . . . Primeval.

It's about dinosaurs coming through tears in space-time and causing various and sundry mayhem in Great Britain, mostly in forests and abandoned subway tunnels and the basements of people living in greater Southampton, from what I can tell. Also now and then people die in Nastie Waiyes. Not exactly your average simmer-down show. And after the episode, in which the things coming through the tears in underwater reservoirs—and underwater basements—tended to be long and mean and Nastie (or at least in two cases like large dodo birds with teeth and really tiny arms) and tended to eat people in Nastie Waiyes (or at least squawk at them menacingly and wave stumpy arms; there was a great sea beast once or twice, I swear), my friend realised this to be the case. So to remedy, we watch Farscape.

...wherein the crew was completely out of food and was forced to resort to searching for it in a crystal mine—which happened to be inside the body (don't ask me which parts) of a large dead space-beast—and were prevented from doing so because the mines were shut down due to a large Beastie Thynge that killed people in Nastie Waiyes (I sense a trend here); AND on board Moya, the vegetable-humanoid priestess Zotoh Zhaan (ZAH-tah Zən; or just Zhaan) was going into food-withdrawal mode, which apparently meant that her irises became golden (and red when angry o O) and her skin began sprouting buds, and she began producing pollen microspores at an alarming rate, enough that Moya began having an allergic reaction and at one point was in danger of going blind (e.g., losing all navigational function, which is essentially blindness when your ship is alive).

So of course that got him kind of creeped out again, and we had to watch another episode. And after that, what could possibly be worse?

Except a planet comprised almost entirely of lawyers.

He ended up watching an episode of Ben 10: Alien Force. Which was good; the show is a little obvious, what with species like the Appoplexians (one named Rath) and the Incursions (first S should have been a Z, guys) and an episode title clearly making a Star Trek pun (Con of Rath—except the episode seemed mostly to be about wrath's pros...), but there were several brilliant lines written in the episode, and one towards the end about had me rolling on the floor and crying (I didn't because it was really early in the morning).

Here are the ones I remember:

  • Ben Tennyson/Rath: "Okay, Incursion Commander Sangfroid! I've beaten up everybody on the ship but you! We can fight, or you can go."

    Ben/Rath: later, to Gwen and Kevin "I talked to them. They said we could go."

  • Gwen Tennyson: "But...we saw you two go up in an explosion."
    Octagon Vreedle: "Yeah, that sort of thing occurs on a fairly regular basis. We're what'cha might call clones.
    Rhomboid "Boyd" Vreedle: "Mm-hmm. Our folks used a home kit ta make us.
    Octagon: "...Boyd."
    Boyd: "They bought a lot!"
    Octagon: "Boyd!"
    Boyd: "It was on sale!, what with it bein' passed the 'best if used by' date. Spoilt I guess is what'ch'd call't."

  • Octagon Vreedle: resignedly, while being gripped by an angered Ben/Rath "This gonna hurt, I sus-pect."
  • Ben/Rath: "Let me tell ya somethin', Jarret of Pantaphage! I just jumped down your throat!" (he had, literally) "You start a war with the Luoadans, and I will do it again! Only next time, I will knit your intestines into a sweater!"

The last one is where I lost it.

Also after the episode ended and we were redirected to the satellite info pane, I was informed that Yuri Lowenthal voices someone in it, and I was immediately reminded that I wanted to know what else that actor has done because the same name showed up in the Ergo Proxy credits and I'd thought I'd seen it before then.

And then today we mostly played Borderlands. And that will need yet another page for ranting. =) Also I'd better get into chat now considering it's almost one in the morning and I've been typing for ninety minutes so Kei is going to kill me if I don't show for several days straight.

Henpecked joke here.