New problem. (One step forward.)

Or a symptom of the same problem. We'll see.

For about a week now I've had an issue where my computer, which previously had no problems to speak of, now cannot run one of my heavier games without overheating the graphics processor and locking up the system, requiring me to soft-reset the computer. (Meaning I hold the power button in for five seconds, power down, power back on. A hard reset is apparently leaving the power off for at least thirty seconds.)

However, last night I discovered I could not run executable files downloaded from verified and secure sites, and instead get an error message that reads "C:Users...genericprogram1.exe is not a valid Win32 application". So for most of last night I operated under the assumption that the downloads were corrupt, or something in the system was missing that needed to be present to read the files.

And then after the disc check this morning and a clean reboot, I tried to run the Windows Vista Service Pack 2 executable and was greeted with the same error message. Now, I might be wrong on this, but I'm pretty sure Windows wouldn't release a Service Pack that wasn't a valid Windows file.

So I did a bit of quick looking and it appears as if I have something called a 'bagel infection', and unfortunately anything I need to install to get rid of it can't be installed because it won't be a valid Win32 application (already tried).

Obviously I am becoming a tad frustrated.