Background Change!

Doop doop yeap. It's pretty fracking huge, too, so if anyone with one of those ungodly-large monitors still sees a tiled image there then you have way too much damned money I mean seriously.

Yeah, computer's still bein' a retard about that new RAM (which is what we are now forced to attribute the whole screen-glitch omg shut down deal to), so I'll have to un-upgrade as soon as I can get ahold of them. Which is slightly depressing, but hey. Guess I'll just have to get a new one as soon as I have money again.

And speaking of money, it's starting to feel like pulling teeth trying to get someone to take me to the store around here. Normally I just wait until someone else is going as well and tag along with them to make things easier (and spend less gas money), but lately the excuse I've been getting is "well I hadn't planned on making a trip tonight, so...," and that's all kinds of irritating when you don't like saying TAKE ME TO THE FRACKING STORE NOW and stuff.

And, you know, when it just so happens that all your afternoons are busy, except for the long periods of time you have open when everyone else is busy, makes it a bit awkward to coordinate if you're the only one attempting to coordinate anything. Especially when the guys who you're forced to coordinate with can't remember stuff for jack crap.

I think I'm down to two chicken patties, and maybe a bowl or two of cereal.

And another button on my big coat popped off today. Time to learn how to sew.

New webcomic alert. Hanna Is Not A Boy's Name; start from the top here if you don't want to immediately search for the First button. Paranormal hijinks. Not a huge archive; only been going since May of last year at . . . peculiar but frequent intervals. Currently on a four/five day break, according to the artist, but I kinda dig the style. Can't for the life of me figure out what it reminds me of, though.

Dooby dooby doo....

Oh, also, back on the computer issue, apparently something in the .sys section keeps deleting itself. Something to do with the Service Pack stuff; volmgrx.sys keeps popping up missing and I keep having to repair the system—which got fun this morning when the reboot disc forgot it existed as well for about five minutes. =P

I think I'll reheat some pizza.
