
Why am I awake at four in the morning? Ugh.

I mean, six I could have accepted . . . actually, no, I probably wouldn't have been happy with that, either, since I'm going to eat breakfast in the cafeteria again and that doesn't open on Saturday until . . . uh. Until sometime after eight. I think.

*bleary yawn*


...fracking Windows Update. Leave me alone.

But no. I was hanging out around here after the concert was over, trying to decide something to do, and around eleven-thirty my computer goes kaputzy again and I just kind of look at it without any real motivation to even turn it off. So I turn it off and go to bed.

And then I am suddenly awake, not really tired enough to fall back asleep, and it's three-thirty in the fracking morning and freaking Valdres (wind ensemble version) from last night's concert is rampaging through my head, mostly just the trumpet solo about a minute and a half in, and the worst part is that this piece is designed to repeat endlessly if you so choose, which is what it began doing, to my extreme displeasure.

By which I mean there was a moment or two of me going AUGH WILL YOU JUST STOP and the aural part of my brain snickering at me as it refused.

And from that I gathered that I had business with my dear cousin John. I don't even know.

At any rate, I really would like to continue sleeping and what, it being Saturday morning now. (Incidentally, had I been awake for the past five and a half hours and was just now going to sleep it would still be Friday night, albeit really really late Friday night; I woke up once already so it is now excruciatingly early Saturday morning.) So, um.


Kei is a doll. And here's some Chopin. Which I shall go to sleep to.
