Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow.

Dadgum it, Bill, I wish it really was creeping in a petty pace.


  • 7:30 – Get out of bed, do pushups/situps, eat, take care of various piddly things as needed.

  • 8:30 – Check P.O. box for parcel message. (This will be repeated every day this week and if there is no message by Friday I will be placing a call to the people who said it shipped, since I got the other package within five days and it has been over a week for this one.)
  • 9:05 – AutoCAD
  • 10:10 – Differential Equations; get my test from Wednesday back, see if I made any bonehead mistakes.
  • 11:15 – Dynamics of Machinery (aka Kinematics); ask professor about the homework since I remember none of it, and take copious and detailed notes so I remember in the future. =/
  • 12:15 – Back at the dorm for lunch, various piddly stuff. Probably check the mailbox again. Prep outfit for the evening.
  • 1:25 – Trombone choir rehearsal
  • 2:30 – Fluid Mechanics
  • 3:35 – Symphony band rehearsal—until 5:35
  • 5:40 – Jet back to the dorm, wolf some food, change into suit w/ tie.
  • 6:00 – Hopefully back at the music building for pre-concert sound check. Probably end up more like 6:30 because that's how things go, but basically ASAP.
  • 7:30 – Jazz band concert
  • 8:45 – Back at the dorm, change into more comfortable clothes, head to computer lab. Finish AutoCAD lab assignment.
  • Whenever – Talk with you needy people. Seriously. You so needy. Gosh.
  • Whenever afterwards – Crash like a mofo.

Holy freaking aarrrggghhhh HOORAY!!!

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