
I don't typically read journals on DeviantArt. Sometimes I do, but generally since I hardly know the people in question I just pass over them. But when I went to check for stuff this morning, I noticed I had one less art in my tracker than I did last night, and when I went to look to see if I'd deleted something without remembering, I noticed that the latest journal (by phoenix-06, from whom I have been known to borrow backgrounds) in my tracker was the same title as the last artwork to go up—which was gone.


Thus follows one of the only times I will excuse an artist saying "no, it really sucks".

This regards my last submission, Shield World: Orbit, to put it bluntly I hated it, well maybe not hated, hate is such a strong word, I was displeased with it, that's better. After looking over it several times I began to see so many faults, errors, and just bad decisions mostly put down to my own laziness, So unable to sleep knowing it was up and viewable by the masses I removed it and started on a rework, not a total rework mind but a lot more thought and effort is going into it.

Already the colours have been changed, the composition shifted, extra detail added, and more thought into adding a better sense of depth, distance and scale. I thank those who faved the original and gave nice comments but I am ashamed I did not put more effort into it, but the new one will be bigger, better and perhaps so awesome it will become self aware and take over the world....

I'm off to sleep now.


"No, it sucks, hang on I'm making it wicked."
