Shout Box (possible retraction)

Quick hazard note: the comic Boxer Hockey may be unsafe. I am checking into it right now to be sure, but in the meantime please avoid it until I have further news.

I apologise for this. It's not my intent to send people to infected/carrier sites, but since my system has been snarking at a lot of things since the reinstall I haven't really had a chance to get good antivirus stuff back in swing. So Spybot keeps me safe, mostly, but I get no real warnings about anything in-browser.

Y'all keep safe, though. And if you've already checked it out beforehand and didn't come up with any warnings, check your stuff and make real darn sure. Like I said, I'll let you know when I find something conclusive.

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The last couple of days have been unusually lazy for me. Lazy Week started in Tuesday, really, and has been continuing through the better part of today. So let's rattle off what I've done so far.

  • Tuesday – Class at eight. Day was completely dreary so I ended up napping from ten to about twelve-thirty. Class at one-thirty, out at three. No jazz rehearsal (all our trumpets were gone so we canceled), so I finished up a Shinigami Dance post that has been in limbo for several months now, and then played Guild Wars for a very long time.

    Naps are awesome, by the way. Love naps. And research shows that napping gives your brain more maintenance time, so yessir.

  • Yesterday after classes I did mostly nothing. I did get my grade on a group project (all of our grades, actually) changed from 90 to perfect after the class we had them returned, since it was actually a perfect project and I only accept poor grades for poor performance on my part. =P

    That was pretty much the extent of my accomplishments, though. The remaining day saw my labor directed somewhere else, and the fruits thereof shall be made evident hereafter. And other words that combine two words to make the sentences sound more important.

  • And today ran a quick material review and went in and blazed through a test in Materials in Manufacturing. I love conceptual classes. Really I do. Although I did have to delay turning the test in for about a half hour because I was waiting on a ruler to free up. Feel great about it, though.

    On the way out to class, though, I randomly saw a twenty-dollar bill laying smack in the middle of the hall. My first reaction was, quite naturally, "what the hell?", but as I bent to pick it up, about three possible pasts and no less than seven alternate five-minute futures flashed through my head in the space of about a half-second—which can be very disorienting, let me assure you—and so not knowing any of the people who had just passed over it and therefore not being able to depend on their honesty when a potentially free twenty bucks was involved, I sighed and gave it to the hall director, who told me that if no one claimed it by seven he'd bring it back by my room.

    And after the test I went to check on the status of a package I was supposed to have received by now. Invoice says it shipped on the eleventh of this month (after about a week-long backorder), so after two weeks you can understand the antsiness on my part. Especially since said package is a sixty-dollar mute that I kind of rather need right now. Needed it three weeks ago when I ordered it, but what can ya do. At any rate, it's been misappropriated somewhere or other, and after a phone conversation with the distribution center I have secured another one free of charge—except the backorder thing happens again so I'm probably going to wait four days before it ships AND as soon as it does the first mute will show up. Just you wait and see.

And now on to the main event.