No one is immune to the Drama Llama.

Yeah, this totally bears posting about.

So I log in to Facebook today to scan things real fast and then take a few clicks to play a game that doesn't even need me around to play (D&D Tiny Adventures), and lo and behold the first thing on my news feed is a long post with equally thick replies, and most of the posters are mothers of friends of mine. So I think "oh cool, something's actually going on at home and I'll get to know about it".

Nah. 'Course not.

So I have a friend, to whom I will refer as A, who is for all intents and purposes homebound. (Muscular dystrophy; I believe I have mentioned him before.) Apparently, another friend of mine, to whom I will refer as B, said something about dropping by for a visit recently (probably today, knowing certain details that I know) and for whatever reason couldn't or didn't. Friend B also apparently made no contact with House A (of Friend A, logically).

So Mother A decided to post a fair-sized sugar-coated guilt trip on Friend B's wall about how it was always nice when friends "promised" to drop by and then didn't without calling or otherwise making contact. Which is a fair point. But now everyone can see this thing, and the internet being the internet....

First comment is from Mother B, who indignantly replies essentially that how dare Mother A say such things, she doesn't know what's going on in Friend B's life (which is true, really, since he didn't call or anything, but) and and she doesn't have the right to make such blah blah blah.

Second comment is from the mother of a third friend of mine (hmm, tough choice, uhh C), saying "uh guys, public venue much? email? phone? maturity? guys?", which made me smile, because it's totally like her to do.

And of course she's immediately ignored by Person 4 (hah!, Sam, you read Persona 4, didn't you?) who is named such because I have no idea who she is besides a busybody, and her knee-jerk defend-the-friend-flame-the-OP-in-probable-total-ignorance response is . . . well, that.

And I'm reading this going "my gosh, these women are all almost fifty, if not older, and it sounds like they're back in middle school". So in order to remind them that younger, more impressionable people are always watching, especially on the internet, I left a small tidbit myself.

[Mother C]'s right. Private messages, all of you.

Not what I wanted to see top of my news feed. =/

I know. I'm getting knee-deep in the mud myself with that remark. But I was hoping that it would take the two feuders and draw them up sharp and get them to go "well crap, that was real smart of me, wasn't it?"

Computer locks up, I let it cool down (figuratively), heat up some potato soup, log back in, fire up the internet, restore all the tabs, etc. ....

...and am greeted with three new notifications on that same post.

Ah, Dios mio.

When I look, one of the comments (the first one, made by Person 4, surprise surprise) has already been deleted. The second one is from Mother B, and it's a twofer. "I'm sorry everyone for making this a public scene...," okay, cool, message got through—wait hang on, "...but I couldn't help it, I wasn't the one who made it public...," oh are you kidding me.

Like, I don't even feel like reading the rest of it right there. With that first line (paraphrased), she basically gave lip service to the "yeah I was a moron" concept and still insisted on laying the heavy to Mother A—whom, may I just add, is still not totally free and clear by my standards at all. So I just sit there for a moment, and the only thing I can think of (I didn't more than scan the last comment; it was also by Person 4 and was a completely craptastic "it's not your fault; don't say unnecessary things [/anime]" load of bologna) is what I commented after much deliberation.

You're right. The initial decision to make this thing public wasn't your call.

-Continuing- it was.

Five minutes later I already have a retort from Person 4 about how it's time I backed off—which, considering I posted a grand total of a tenth of what any one of them (excluding Mother C, who was the only sane head in this whole farce) said, tells me yet again that people hate precise, incisive comments.

Like I care. As Woody said in that Pixar movie: If. The Boot. Fits.

I come back from another computer restart ten minutes later and all comments by Mother B and Person 4 have been deleted.


Now my second comment makes absolutely no sense, but whatever. I'm not deleting my comments in the vain delusion that I can pretend nothing ever blew up. You can't do that in real life, talking face to face with people. What the frack makes people think it's kosher to do it here? Just erase what you don't like, white-out over what makes you look like an immature ten year old tossing cookies at your playmates?

Oh, I forgot. You can't have an argument in real life where each successive retort can occur up to several days after the preceding one and still continue it. You can't have people jumping in a week later, not knowing a damned thing about what went down, and immediately get all pissy like they know something. You can't....


So I altered my status to INTORWEBZ DRAAMAAAAA, mentioned how I loved the delete-comment feature hee hee, and attached the drama llama to it.

Let's see what else blows up today. =D

I'd post about Guild Wars except oh hay it's a game no one cares.
