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Allamorph: I decided to close my eyes for thirty minutes and get back on track with things I need to do

Allamorph: and now that I'm awake again I am bothered a great deal by something that I realise is probably the implicit reason behind the post I just made for Tesser today.

Allamorph: Friend of mine has been student-teaching this semester, and his school had Spring Break last week so he wasn't around for me to drop by and bug.

Allamorph: Got back yesterday, and I went to see him today,

Allamorph: and after I left again to come back and work I couldn't muster the desire to do anything at all.

Allamorph: Woke up

Allamorph: and realised that I am deeply distressed by a recent direction he's decided to move in, and not because of the decision itself, but because of the lack of sound reasoning I sense behind it.

Allamorph: Said friend is about an inch taller than me, and also slender, though he (somehow) weighs about forty pounds more than I do.

Allamorph: For about the past year and a half he's been subsisting on food from his own supplies, instead of purchasing a meal set-thing from campus, because really paying for your own food is cheaper.

Allamorph: But because he's a frugal person,

Allamorph: that essentially meant a steady diet of bologna sandwiches, canned beans, and oatmeal,

Allamorph: etc.,

Allamorph: not unlike the situation I am finding myself in at present.

Allamorph: Earlier this semester he told me that he felt he wasn't eating properly, even though the foods he was eating were healthy.

Allamorph: Said he needed more variety, expounded on his reasonings behind it (because he does that more than I do)

Allamorph: and I agreed with him because I hate eating the same thing day after day after day and am pretty sure that the reason obese people are obese is because their diet is pretty static (i.e., unhealthy foods, but the same unhealthy foods consistently).

Allamorph: Which, logically to me, would mean that if you ate the same type of food consistently and it was healthy food, your body would begin to border malnourishment from lack of variety.

Allamorph: (also part of my reasoning against being pure vegetarian—besides the fact that they seem to have a hypocritical and almost obscene desire for imitation meat products)

Allamorph: Recently, though, he decided that eating at the cafeteria was causing him to gain weight

Allamorph: (and note here that his physical appearance has not changed significantly at all, and he is still just as slender as he was when I met him)

Allamorph: and so he has shifted back to his previous method of eating,

Allamorph: except he replaces his dinner "meal" with a banana-peanut-butter-shake blended with protein supplement

Allamorph: which is just an absolutely vile concoction

Allamorph: and is attempting to get into a regular schedule of running,

Allamorph: but the purpose of those are not to stay fit

Allamorph: but to "lose weight".

Allamorph: And now that I woke up I realised that I am having a sincere problem reconciling his actions with his motivations for them.

Allamorph: If I were to make an analogy, it would be tantamount to a Christian attending a service every Sunday morning and Wednesday night because they thought doing so would send them to heaven.

Allamorph: The actions don't line up with the reasons for the actions.

Allamorph: And this is bothering me a great deal because he's not the type of person to do that.

Allamorph: And I just vomited all that all over your screen.