Coming Soon....

This weekend I plan on working a good bit on making my room somewhat more functional again; I really would like to get my own computer back running so I can get back to working on the RPs I've been neglecting. I want to keep pushing The Great Rebellion along because there's already been a significant amount of effort invested in the creation of certain aspects (about which I am forced to remain mum) both by myself and (to my mind) a greater extent by Kei, for whose forbearance I am continually grateful; and as well I think once we get past the initial stage where everyone except she and I are in the dark about what's going on, we can start developing a greater dynamic with cast members, which I'd like to see happening. I think the prospects there are exciting.

And then there's the Shinigami Dance project, in which I've been heavily involved for years now. I think it got started maybe a year after I officially joined the boards, which would make it . . . I think come June it'll be going into its fourth year, if it hasn't already. It's not the fastest-growing yarn out there, but it is definitely one of the most persistent, and being able to constantly dream up new stuff and figure out a way to justify it is at the same time is much more fulfilling than it might seem with the pacing.

I think it's safe to say that by now I've pretty well hijacked the main plot. > > Not that I regret that, really; after the original creator dropped out, the game stagnated pretty quickly, and in just casual conversation I couldn't seem to get anyone else to make a definite statement one way or another, and so I sort of threw myself off the cliff first and hoped people would follow me. Which they did, and that makes me happy, because without their continued (and unprompted) input about various details, certain long-reaching aspects of the plot as it is now, or even the lore itself, wouldn't exist at all.

But I especially don't want to slack off on the project now because I actually have a vision for it now far beyond the current conflict. I've already strongly hinted, of course, at motions beneath the current feud between the Reapers from the unnamed city (we really should do something about that, by the way) and the Jian vampires, but as of this year the material that lay beyond that has begun to solidify—mostly generated by my insatiable need to justify things and find reasons for other things and figure out what of these things cause what of those things and vice versa—and suddenly I'm amazed that I can even keep all of this data in my head unadultered while I also hold at least ten thousand years (ish) worth of Veridan lore, the foundations of the Fire Emblem stuff I want to eventually do, and half a dozen individual concepts in the same space AND separate from each other.

I also begin to understand the urge for crossover concepts, but even as I come up with them I always end up thinking "this makes so little sense that it'll feel like nothing but fanservice", and naturally that's an immediate turnoff for me as far justification for writing.

Anyway. Once I can get back on my posting feet, we'll see in short order that there are still people in existence that can match the old "war heroes", just what role the Jian (and Victor) play in things, and what happens when you've been isolated from anything important for over three thousand years. I wish I was better at giving hints without fearing I was giving something important away, but that's about the best I can do.

Now to head out for groceries and another job application.
