Back from SC

  • If I don't speak at any point during a straight half hour on a car trip, I will go to sleep pass out.

  • Having a USB car charger is awesome. Eight hours on the road and someone's gonna run out of juice.
  • My father can't be decisive in social situations. I may not know how to appropriately segue into/out of situations, but at least I can say "well, I'm gonna ________; be back in a few!" instead of hedging about it for an hour and a half.
  • I love yarn-couches. So comfortable.
  • Grandmother's surgery Monday went great. Started off prepping for a biopsy of the kidney, found out that the tumor wasn't extensive and they could successfully remove it and take only a third of the kidney along with it, leaving the rest intact and cancer-less. So they did so. She was in for I think two and a half hours only. Everyone was pleased when the surgeon stopped by to inform us.
  • Apparently I look like Richard Petty.
  • Monday night, at about 12:30, my grandmother was given a single dose of morphine to help her with the pain that was going to come. Of course, with her kidneys being in a slight state of shock, with her age, and with the fact that she hasn't had anything stronger than a Tylenol in years, she got high and stayed there. That woman (as my dad and his siblings tell me) chattered nonstop from three in the morning (when the nurses say she completely undressed herself and pulled out all her IVs and tubes and was hunting for her clothes so she could check out and go home) until quarter to nine at night on Tuesday; she "knew" all the nurses, flirted with all the male ones, talked about everything in her life, and scared one of my cousins to tears over the phone.
  • I can nap anywhere. Speaking of which, sitting in a hospital waiting room for hours is all kinds of fun.
  • I discovered that there are wasps who nest in the ground. That's really cool.
  • I really wish Tech's cafeteria served food as good as the Marion County hospital serves. Tuesday afternoon I was given two-thirds of a plate of (sausageless) chicken-bog, a third of a place of steamed green beans, and a third of a plate of buttered steamed corn, all somehow fitting on the same plate. Between all that and the cornbread, which was most and a little sweet, I almost didn't need dinner supper.
  • All of you need to come down to SC and eat food. Like, seriously. I mean, cornbread. Cornbread. Sweet and buttered. Incidentally, we don't have barbecue sauce down there. We cook our barbecue seasoning into the food directly and to hell with any sauce.
  • Sure didn't miss the remnants of implicit racism, though. Yeesh.
  • Wal-Mart deli subs suck. Especially ones that have what they call cheddar cheese. It isn't. It's more like nacho cheese. Roast beef and nacho cheese. Yeehaw.
  • Naturally I'm always one penny short of not having to use a dollar for a candy item that costs less than a dollar. Naturally.
  • I wake up at dawn consistently when I'm in an unfamiliar room. If I am very familiar with the room to the point of subconscious ownership I will sleep until noon.
  • I have two sleeping states. The first is a regular sleep, in which I am for all intents and purposes dead. The second is where I keep my mind and my ears on, just listening/observation and thinking, while the rest of my body is allowed to gradually deactivate. I have actually caught myself snoring while doing this. It's a little amusing. Incidentally, I only snore when my head tilts backwards; i.e., through my open mouth. If my mouth is closed, I don't snore.
  • My father and I occasionally say things in unison, complete with identical inflections. It's a little odd.
  • I am amused at the existence of purple drank.
  • Amazingly there wasn't a lot of Bonaroo traffic when we got in this evening. Tomorrow is going to suck majorly, though. And I've 'volunteered' (read "was told I'd be working and was not told it would not be paid work") to man the ice truck. Tennessee Woodstock, here we go. I don't want to see naked people.