Twenty-seven is three cubed.

1. I see patterns everywhere. This is probably because my mind literally does not stop working. People think I'm bragging when I say that, but while it does allow me to pick up on various things very fast, it also causes me to miss little things that others see right away just because it's checking for all the various things that no one else picks up on. For instance, in the movie There Will Be Blood, during the scene when Daniel Plainview is being strongarmed into the Church of the Third Revelation, I realised that Eli was giving Daniel not only the same amount of blows that Daniel had dealt him about a half hour earlier in the film, but that each blow was in order, given by the exact same hand and coming from the exact same direction. And yet I couldn't remember Eli's name.

My mind also has a habit of keeping me awake at night. Took me a decade to get it under control, and I'm still not good at it. Really sucks.

2. I don't like posing for photographs. It feels false, to me.

3. I am instinctively honest. I don't really know why.

4. I am not very comfortable talking about myself. It's making this thing much harder than you'd think.

5. At this instant I think there is peanut butter in my moustache. I ate a peanut-butter-and-apricot-jam sandwich not too long ago because I was needing some form of salt and was getting a tad cranky. Some people get low blood sugar attacks. I get low blood salt attacks. Or something. At any rate I put a little salt on my PB&Js usually. Makes it taste pretty good.

6. It's harder for me to read digital clocks than analog clocks. I also don't like to have many marks on my watch (when I have one) because . . . um, because it feels itchy. I don't understand. But I'd be happy if I could just have the noon marker on one.

7. I only breathe with about twenty-five percent of my lungs. This means I can get a headrush off of a deep breath. Who needs drugs? I've got air!

8. I associate numbers with the content of television stations. 42 will always feel like Sci-Fi because that's what it used to be a long ways back when I first started watching television heavily. 58 will always feel like Trigun.

9. I don't understand what it's like to be able to go out shopping on a whim and come back with five video games and six CDs of music three weeks after the last whim.

10. I just found out that my parents have been raiding my room and making off with my CD cases so they had someplace to store their burned CDs. The room-entering part doesn't bother me so much as the case-taking does because if they had asked me for cases I would have given them some. I am now displeased.

11. My greatest motivator in touchy situations is "If I don't do this, who else will?" More often than not I can come up with other people.

12. If I don't tuck my shirt in, I feel like a slob. I will never go out in public with it hanging out.

13. My favorite part of a shower is when I can (sort of) stretch out in the tub and let the shower run a touch hotter than usual. It usually helps me shake off grogginess.

14. I can stay awake for very long periods of time provided I am active. If I'm not active but thinking I can manage about half as long provided I have some Mountain Dew.

15. I am a very emotional and irrational person, and certain sounds make me want to destroy the source—such as the consonant sound CL. My irritating persistent logical side is a result of pigheaded stubbornness, a dislike of irrational responses, and a lot of personal training.

16. I was never guided in creative writing, except for once in the tenth grade when the teacher came in with a common purple iris and said that it was Free Writing Time and the only rule was we had to write about the flower and share afterwards. I have never heard so much bullshit about 'the last flower to bloom' or 'the prettiest flower' or 'the inspirational flower' in my life. Because I like changing the rules without changing the rules, I used for inspiration a tan-and-crimson iris that had bloomed outside my window one year. I turned it into a wood spirit that used the illusion of said flower to lure in people so it could devour their life force, and took the opportunity to foil several of my fantasy characters against each other while practicing perspective shifts. It was at that point that I first began to suspect that one of the characters was absolutely pointless. Later I realised she was identical to Kagome in every respect except the time-traveler bit. That was frustrating.

17. My first true experience with science fiction came in the form of the short story Circum-Terra by Robert Heinlein, in the Collier's Junior Classics 'The Young Folks Shelf of Books', Vol.9; incidentally, we were missing at the time (and still are missing) vols. 2, 6, and 7. Vol.3 introduced me to The Borrowers, and contains my favorite kids short of all time: Mischief in Fez by Eleanor Hoffman, which coincidentally is a sort of Muslim fantasy tale. It was this story that introduced me to the fennec fox and djinn.

18. The only Animorphs thing I have seriously read was The Andalite Chronicles because it was large. I tried afterwards to get into the short books but couldn't.

19. I have read nearly every book in each of these youth-mystery series: Encyclopedia Brown, The Bobbsey Twins, The Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew. I have also read the entire series by Laura Ingalls Wilder at least twice, although admittedly I rather disliked the ones at the end, after Laura had gotten married and the story shifted to her and Manny. Half of it I think is because the second-to-last book was so full of romance sap and the other half was because The First Four Years apparently really sucked for the Wilders.

20. I began this endeavor because I actually enjoyed reading it from others and because I had insomnia. I'd better finish soon or else I'll be up when my father wakes up in an hour and a half.

21. I remember specifically every cat I've owned and could describe them to you by name and personality.

22. I sometimes stare into space for the better part of an hour.

23. Playing baseball is a lot more fun than watching it.

24. My room is a disastrous mess. Does that surprise anyone?

25. I don't like my window-unit air conditioner because when it's on I can't hear the sounds of movement from the rest of the house.

26. I don't understand my physical reactions sometimes. A friend of mine scared the crap out of me but was startled when I told him so because he didn't see me move despite me thinking I'd jumped three inches. I also was two seconds from giving a concussion to a kid with Downs Syndrome because he lobbed a half-filled plastic bowling pin at my head from a foot and a half away and I caught it as it bounced off my head and was mid-swing before I realised who he was. I don't do this on purpose.

27. One night I couldn't sleep, so I walked around the entire town carrying and occasionally spinning a six and a half foot dowel rod for no real reason.


28. I don't have a concept of time. Also twenty-eight is four times seven which means it's also fourteen deuced.
