Because I am tall.

I get what people call a "headrush" if I stand up too quickly. (Although, I'm not terribly certain why it's called a 'head'-rush because that would imply that the blood is rushing to my head instead of away from it due to gravity.)

Weird thing for me, though, is I can usually go for about twenty to thirty feet before the effects hit. For example, I can get up off my couch and be down the stairs to the basement and halfway to my bedroom before I notice any serious vision impairment—which usually manifests in a sort of grey-ish digitalised pattern.

Other people get fogs. I get pixels.

And now that I've said all this, I've totally ruined the intent of the post, which was to make fun of myself for saying tonight in the middle of the rush, "Wow, that is . . . odd."
