No, not the webcomic—although that one's pretty good, too, YOU SHOULD PROBABLY START READING IT. No, this is a change in my own thought patterns, and it's going to take a while to get used to.
My writing notebook has always been grey. I started using one back in middle school because I got tired of having to figure out which class's notebook had which sketch and where could I pull spare paper from and what timeline each sketch belonged to and really it was just a mess. Doing writing on trips was hard, too, because then I had to bring along every notebook I might need so I could keep the appropriate sketches in their appropriate class folders, so when I went back to class and had free time, I wouldn't get frustrated about not having the right sketch there to work on. So I bought myself an inch and a half grey binder, threw some dividers in it, and turned it into my brain in #2 HB graphite.
After that point I quit using grey notebooks for anything school-related. Really, I tried to not have colors overlap classes, but generally that was impossible; I always ended up with two black ones or two blue ones or something like that, and I knew that if I had more than one grey one I'd never remember which on was the writing notebook.
Here some of you might say "well why didn't you draw on them or label them so you'd know?" And that's a fair point, but you've got to remember I'm completely irrational. I don't like extraneous markings on things, even for labels. I have about twenty-odd burned CDs in my soft case that look exactly the same and I remember what music is on them by location in the case and not face markings; I have three black rugged sidebags that look almost identical and I could tell you in a heartbeat what's in any one of them just by looking at it, my current wallpaper is very minimalistic and the most absolute gorgeous one I've ever had; hell, even my wristwatch only has four markings, one for noon and three others for three/six/nine, and there are days when I wish only the noon marker was there.
But I wanted too keep my writing notebook separate so I could just reach for it without thinking about it. And because of that, I haven't used grey binders for anything else since. I associate the color grey with my created works and blank paper, and have for years. If I see a grey notebook I automatically think it's mine and have to physically stop myself from reaching for it to thumb through and see what I can doodle on.
Both it and my class binder broke today. Which would have been perfectly fine except I'd just gone to Wal-Mart last night to get Gatorade and pop-tarts, and of course they didn't decide to break yesterday when I would have went anyway, oh no. They had to break today and force me to make another mundane trip.
And apparently no one sells grey binders any longer. So my writing binder is now green.
This sucks.