First out, thanks for all the support, guys. I really appreciate it. Honestly, even if you all were totally against it I'd still be going because I am convinced I need this, but it is good to know I'm not being condemned for the decision. Thank you all again. (^_^)
I will say that I am a little surprised at the ... well, the manner all the wishes were given in. =P I mean, I have no doubt that you all are behind me on this, but there is a certain detectable atmosphere of ", I don't totally agree with this course of action, but if he thinks it's the right way for him, it's probably the right way for him."
So I have to ask you guys this. Is there any personal aversion you might have to military service? Be honest with me, because if I see certain people say "no" I'm going to know immediately that they don't want to appear like bad people. Heads up on that count: you won't. I feel no compulsion to ram military service down anyone's throat, and I certainly don't feel any sort of familial tradition-keeping as part of the decision process. (In fact, no one in the generation immediately preceding mine has been in the armed forces at all. I think I have one cousin in the Army, but he's a buffoon, so.)
No, I'm genuinely curious about what people's thoughts are. I want to know if people have had bad experiences with military life, or if they have a dislike of what our military is doing overseas, or if they just fear people coming back in body bags. Or any other concept; you know, I'm just reaching here, so I don't assume to know what all reasons you might feel oddly about a military career.
So talk to me, guys. What do you honestly feel?