For the record....

1) Of the article that I posted: the only part I heavily disagreed with was the current-event political tie-in, especially the [hazy] reference to McCain as a paladin. At the moment, I'm neither for nor against him, but I think we're all able to tell that he isn't quite the epitome of that, ehh, archetype. As for the language . . . well, no one particularly likes to be talked at as if they're stupid, now do they? I read bitterness instead of malice.

However, the reason I posted the article was not the reference to the politics, but the admonition to the general public about complacency. If the city is undefended, it is because we have left the walls. That is what I wanted to be stressed.

2) Thanks to those guys who reminded me of stuff I wanted to list. Added were Blue October, Coldplay, Muse, Led Zeppelin, Rush, and The Who; everyone else suggested will be put on the "check out" list to be reviewed later. (Radiohead I'm kinda iffy about; I banned them from my Pandora, actually, since I'm not a huge fan of vamping-based styles. But I'll check around for some other stuff by them, see if I change my mind.)


From the music post:

Dagger: I suppose I am. Funny you said besides DPP; my first suggestion would be Once, followed by Over The Hills And Far Away and Century Child. Timechaser might be able to give you some other good albums by them. Also, I'd recommend looking into Within Temptation and Lacuna Coil if you like that style.


From the feature post:

Sabrina: Most likely that was because both of us looked for the initial reasoning of the feature as well as a way to make it actually function. And besides, your logical deduction skills are fairly high-tier, so that helps. (If you haven't read Sherlock Holmes (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) or Miss Marple (Agatha Christie), I urge you to do so; you'll really enjoy either series.)

Aaryanna: Irritation was my first reaction. Incredulity was my second, since I knew Adam wouldn't put a feature on the site specifically to tick off as many members as possible. So I tried to follow his reasoning on creating it and suggest alternatives that kept with the main intent while relieving the tension.


From the defense post. :D

Liam: Nah, I think might have carried a slight subversive undertone—but then, one could consider John Locke's statements about governments "by the consent of the people" as subversive as well. And as it turns out, they were, from the Crown's perspective.

Twisted (for whom I can't remember my pet name): I was a little confused by And supporting any political party is standing against someone. Although the statement is true, merely having an opinion is standing against someone. We ain't gonna get nuthin' fully reconciled 'til we get beyond, so why bother trying to stand with everyone when everyone will not stand with you? Diplomacy is one thing. But remember, we can't serve two masters.

And you go on statin' yo' opinion, girl! =P

Miss A.: Part of the abandonment of the defenses has been due to the people allowing the media to dictate thought. Neither the people nor the media can claim (or should have to claim) full responsibility for this, for although it is the duty of the media to present factual information without bias, it is also the responsibility of the masses to attempt to discern what they are being told, so that they do not become led like sheep.

Rachmaninoff: Apathy or complacency work well. Other words don't seem to be emerging.

Aaryanna: Yes, you are. Dispassionate reading is a great skill to acquire.
