Guess I won't be using the speedy checkout....

Right. First off, I've got the dad-blasted Bananaphone stuck in my head now. Been like this for the past three days. Not even Stan Kenton can drive it away. If it doesn't leave me soon, I'm inflicting it on the rest of you at the Watercooler. (BOOP DOOP-A-DOO-BA-DOOP!)

Second, I'm a little frustrated because now both of my attempts to see my afflicted friend have fallen through from lack of contact, and on top of that I'm not really sure what's going on any more. His uncle has told my mother the details a few times, but somewhere in between them or her and me the translation is lost, and I feel like I can't get any hard information. As far as I know right now, he was doing okay for a while, but something (dunno what) went a little south and . . . I'm just tired of vague. Heck, I can't even tell my other friends anything because I'm so uncertain of the information I have.

Third: CLAMP has absolutely stolen my love. I have been reading scanlations of Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicles for a while now, and was just stopped at ch. 200 last night on one of the most killer cliffhangers ever. Serious respect right now; I've added that manga to my list of things I must have in print, and I'll be starting in on xxxHolic here shortly. (Incidentally, the fact that the word "reservoir" is part of the subtitle has always intrigued me; I wonder how CLAMP will play that card....)

Aaaannnd I forgot what I was going to say earlier. Blame that on the great deal of time I spent picking the brains of Lady Katana and Michiyo The Sneeze about what the heck Syaoran's attack commands mean; I was curious what element/concept his magic is based on, and that resulted in me being learnt on the difference in kanji and katakana, and mentally comparing the necessity for the latter to a washer ring, which is a continuous circle all the way around until you get back to where you started, and then things just don't line up so blah blah blah you don't need to hear that. =P

Moving onwardly!


-What's your full name?
….right. Check upstairs, there, punkin’. I am Allamorph; my name is my own.

-What's your favorite color?
Colors. Blue, scarlet, orange, and deep purple.

-What do you hate most?
Blatant, unmitigated stupidity. I don’t deal well with it.

-What do you love most?
Uhh. ‘Most’ is such an exclusive word….

-What are your favorite creatures?
Black panthers (jaguars, cougars, whatever) and timber wolves.

-Do you watch cartoons?
If there is a sufficient lack of stupidity, yes. :) Having a television also helps; but of the recent ones, I thoroughly enjoy Flapjack and to a lesser degree Chowder, and sometimes watch Foster’s and the time-skipped Ben 10.

-What's the dumbest thing you've ever done?
Rolled over in bed. Oversleeping is pretty dumb.

-Wow, you're pretty stupid...
*boxes your ears*

-Which one of your characters do you like most?
Again with the ‘most’ thing….

That’s really hard to say, in truth. I mean, there are characters whose names I am quite proud of, like Maj. Gen. Titus Anthony, but the only real favoritism that happens between me and my characters is just which ones I’ve spent more time developing.

-Which one would you trash?
Why? Far as my current project goes, they’re all equally necessary. Unless you mean “trash” as in “do very bad things to”, whereupon I’d kick you for your dangling preposition. And even then it’d be difficult to say, because at one point or another, all of my mains are being put through some form of hell.

-What would you do if someone stole your work?
Kill them gradually over the course of four or five months, including the removal of various parts as the mood strikes me. The specifics are quite macabre.

-What are your views on online dating?

-What kind of people do you like?
Real ones. I despise people who alter their being. You may not know my label, but I would hope you know pretty well Who I am.

-Would you still be nice to a boring deviant or otakuian?
Well, yeah. I haven’t begun insulting Timechaser yet.

Kidding, of course. The boring ones are the people who either don’t say anything at all, ever, or the people who blather endlessly because they think they have the right to do so.

-What would you do if someone flamed you?
First I’d figure out if I earned it. Then I’d decide whether to care.

Character time (ohh, so hard a decision…..umm)

Hello! ^_^

- 0____o What's your name?
Mikka Florentine. Nice to meet you.

-How old are you?
I’ll turn twenty-five in a few months.

-Are you male or female?
Of course I’m a girl! *sigh* It’s this darn armor, isn’t it? Everyone always thinks I’m a new recruit.

-If you had to chose just one place to live for the rest of your life, where would it be?
Southold. It’s not a big city, like some of the trading centers farther north, but it’s still large enough to have some bustle to it. All of the commoners are friendly, and I already like watching over it, so I certainly wouldn’t mind living here the rest of my life.

Who knows? I might even get assigned as one of the Guard recruit instructors after I retire.

-How creative do you think your human/creator is?

-Could you describe your personality to us?
Umm, sure! I’m competitive. I like getting outside, racing or playing games, winning, and trying my hardest even if I lose. I make sure you deserve to beat me if you do. I really look forward to the joust every year, so I guess you could call me a tomboy; all my brothers do, anyway. I also like sunny days, summer ones most, and especially while horse-riding.

-Hmm...Interesting...tell me your life story, if you don't mind.
There’s not really much, but okay. I grew up over in Hedgefield; it’s about a half a day’s journey west of here. I’ve got four older brothers, which is probably why I’m so competitive. I mean, you have to learn pretty quick to defend yourself when everybody’s bigger than you. Jakob took my side a lot, but even he could be mean sometimes. He was the only one of us who stayed behind, too. The rest of us all went off to train for knighthood as soon as we were able. Alston’s off at the Capitol, Tanner is with some group of rangers somewhere—he doesn’t write much, so we’re never sure—and Cyriel and I are here at Southold. Father’s a merchant, though, so since he comes here to trade, I get to see him a lot, which is nice. Sometimes Jakob comes up instead, since Father’s training him to take over the shop one day.

After I came here and got knighted, I went into the halberdier division. I don’t think you want to hear about my time as a squire. It’s pretty boring. The halberdiers are much more fun. We’re all cut up a lot, even the Commander, and we get the guard stations that everyone sees, like the main gate and the keep entrance. I even get to pick my station a lot since I’m one of the best of the Guard at single combat. I’m not as good as the Commander, and definitely not the Captain—he’s amazing!—but I’m better than most of the rest of the guard . . . except for one of the guys on the wall. He always seems to know what I’m going to do next when we spar, and I can’t figure out why!

-Good or Evil?
What? Are you serious? I’m a halberdier of the Southold Frontier Guard, and an officer, too! Of course I’m good!


-Oh yeah, who are you going to tag?
Uhh. Let’s go with SunfallE and Shinamarink (because it seems like he hasn’t gone yet) aaaaaannnnnnndddd MIMMI!!


I remember what else I wanted to toss out. The letter Z. It's redundant, we have its sound duplicated in S and X, and we quite simply don't really need it. Also things just look better like that, such as Ximbabwe and xebra.

There are a few downsides, of course. On Beyond Xebra would then have to be revised to On Beyond Yeti or something; my friend in Manchester (England) tells me that Poland would be screwed since they use Z almost every other word, but I think they can get over it; and some Canadians might be put out because they can no longer use Zed. However, that last one is more of an incentive to me. If you have to turn a letter into three just to pronounce it, then there's either something wrong with you or you're Canadian.

And really, the two aren't mutually exclusive....
