
Well, seems the people here at campus IT have decided that, instead of figuring out a way to alleviate the xBox-Live stress on our bandwidth, that the best solution for our crappy internet is to block YouTube. So unless or until I can get ahold of some other videos of the debate, that's on hold, and possibly scrapped. I'm kinda miffed about that, since I was actually trying to edify myself about the current election—though admittedly there doesn't seem to be much to learn about either. Really, the snarky bullet-summaries were just a twofer. (They did make me feel a bit better, true....)

Visited my friend Monday night. The one with the brain stem glioma? Ya. He's not as bad as I was led to believe, thank goodness. What's been hardest on him and his parents has been the constant radiation therapy he was undergoing at Vanderbilt every week (except for one week when his facial swelling had progressed so far that a new facial mask was required), and having to spend the weekend at home doing the necessary upkeep work before packing up and heading back. He's done with it now, and he's at home, waiting for the effects of the radiation and the steroids (used to minimise the swelling) wear off so a follow-up x-ray can be done. He's doing physical therapy three times a week, and spoke of starting speech therapy soon.

He's still him, too, which was what I was worried about. He's still intact inside, although he's understandably much more tired than he used to be. I sensed a touch of vacancy in his voice now and again when he spoke, but it was the barest of whispers on that blasted sub-sense of mine, so I can't tell how much attention to pay to it. But at the end of the visit I felt decidedly more hopeful, so time and prayer will tell.

The program I'm having to write now is a pain. I'm probably going to call in backup tonight to get some stuff accomplished, then talk with the professor tomorrow morning to clarify a few hazy points for me.

Oh, what else....

Oh. Brought up an New International and an New American Standard from home to augment the New King James bible I have. I prefer the NKJV, but I like having the extra material to look at if I'm not quite sure of the way something is phrased. I may be passably fluent in King James English, but that don't mean it ain't still a bit of a slog sometimes. Also, I haven't had much exposure to the NAS, aside from doing some "fallacy" research (mostly accounting figures separated by several centuries, combined with the Hebrews being forbidden to take a census ever; like, duh, the figures are going to be a little off), and the phrasing in the NIV is quite often very enlightening, or at least clearer. =P

I seem to have added Yuui the Hotness to my current slew of nicknames. This one is courtesy of the Lady "Snugglemuffin" Katana, whom it appears has laid claim to my lap now, despite me receiving no time to even sit down and produce a lap in the first place....

That sentence just wanted to keep going, there, I guess.

Also, Welch's Fruit Snacks are divine. Tastiest things out there, and MY GOSH they're healthy, too? What madness is this?
