
Four exams down, one to go.

Had the two I was most confident about today, along with one I was a trifle concerned with. (DANGLERS =P) Fortran and Chemistry were a breeze; for Chemistry I would literally fall asleep during class until the professor asked a question or made an odd point that classmates needed an alternate (or clearer, from my perspective) way to look at. Way back in high school I learned how to doze with my ears active, so I can rest my eyes or alleviate boredom without missing anything.

Funny thing is, the prof came up to me when I turned my exam in today, and asked me my name. When I told him, he said he thought he should at least know that, since I had all the right answers in class. I then did the sheepish bit and apologised for dozing, and he said "Nah, it's fine. You were around for the important stuff."

The not funny thing is, I can't tell if he was being tongue-in-cheek....

The really funny thing is that I dozed off during the exam. I still finished over an hour early, so, you know, whatever. (I'm actually writing this post while the exam is still ongoing.) I just remember looking at a problem and thinking that I really didn't want to do it, put my temple on my knuckles...and probably about ten minutes later thought "oh jeez!" and got back to work.

American History tomorrow. I want that exam to die a horrible, horrible death. I have many bad feelings.

Edit: BUGGER. Why do I forget to switch up worlds? >_<

Edit 2: All right, a while back I asked Adam if it would be possible to move the ad link to the other side of the box, opposite the creator's name blurb.


External Image

Seriously, Adam? Dangerous juxtaposition, mayhap?
