So I mmo. So what?

Got to log in to LotRO yesterday, test out some of the new features that came along with the Mines Of Moria expansion/second disc. Graphics and display for the menu boards got tweaked a little, and there's now a more straightforward way to visually organise your traits. Also, your character class gets bonuses now for having certain amounts of certain traits equipped. Current translation? I'm landing ranged criticals like nasty. It's disgusting. And I remembered finally that I'm not actually DPS.

I'm a nuker. >=D

Spent most of my time yesterday taking care of a slayer deed with a buffer, and he'd go and draw the attention of some nasty thing while I sat back and charged some pain; he'd get something like a hit and a shout in, and then on his screen you see arrows fly in right as he's ready to swing his sword, and the dude's dead. Spidey ain't got nothin' on this thwippin' action. =P

Or he'd go off to find some occupational node and I'd be left to deal with guys on my own. So my first shot would get someone bleeding (don't ask how skeletons bleed, IT'S MAGIC), second shot would do multiple fast-shot-pain, third shot would do massive armor-negation-pain (don't ask why skeletons wear armor after rising out of graves, IT'S MAGIC), and if they were still breathing by the time they managed to get to me, I have this nifty little melee skill that lets me take that bleeding wound I inflicted earlier and RIP IT OPEN. Stops the bleeding, but usually means death.

For undead.


Anyway, two new classes were added in also: Runekeeper (nuker/healer, depending on which way you align yourself) and Warden (tank barred from heavy armor; uses chained attacks to create openings for . . . stuff). Warden I'll be experimenting with next time I get the chance, because that setup seems to gel with my style for close-range; probably going to go with a female one, too, because . . . well . . . wouldn't you be a tad bit afraid of a female lancer? (Plus I have this Valkyrie preconcept stuck in my head and haven't been able to shake it for years now. So.)

But this is all under my friend's guest account, so I can only access it while at home (read 'in town') and visiting him. Still, WHEN I CAN GET A JOB, game disc (current one) is something like $30 and I can toss in $200 up front and never pay monthly ever, so I'll probably be looking into it then.

Made it out of Badon. I have scary units now. Upside? More progress through the story, so I'm closer to unlocking the extra modes I need. (EDNA MODE) Downside? Three/four chapters later, I'm back in Badon. More arena, but this time with fog of war, a bunch of wyverns who can irritate the snot out of me, and one promotion item that could be very strategically useful if I could steal it but might prove to be not worth the effort (I'll get it after killing the map boss anyway, but I could still grab it and train one unit up to 20/20 and bench him for a spell), and another promotional item that I have to hurry to get to or else DOOM DOOM DOOM. I hate it when enemies attack villages that give you important stuff. Now I have to send one of my promoted out to beat the snot out of the guy before he gets there, and that's going to suck up XP....but what do I care? It's an arena map; I'll be spending 300 turns pulling units up to max anyway. I think I can bear to lose some XP.

Also I hit the first secret shop of the game, and my cash dropped below six figures. OH TEH NOES. Good thing all the important stuff doesn't cost over 3000. Plus, again, arena map. If I don't break 200,000 G, I'll be a little surprised.

Speaking of, on the alternate story mode, there's a character you can recruit by paying 20,000 G. (Yay ambiguous monetary units.) Since I use the arenas....yeah, she's never a problem to get in the party. (Plus her support convos are an absolute riot. She literally spends the entire trip telling one dude how incompatible they are, and he just listens and nods and does a lot of inward 'ehh?'-ing, and finally slays her with one line. One freaking line. "You know, I don't hate being around you." Shut her right up.)

Also haircut. And hoo-ahh for writing. >_>
