
I don't like chain letters. Most of the time they're either some trite, shallow 'Christian' fluff that should never have been written, or some absolutely inane message with no real point. And every one of them has the same laughable tagline at the end:


  • If you send letter to at least XX people (and then you do _________ ), your wish will come true/you'll be visited by an angel/something really good will happen to you!!!1!
  • If you break the chain, something bad OR WORSE will happen to you!

Right. Got news. I've broken every chain so far, and I've been pretty well unaffected. I also don't like spamming other people's inboxes with useless mail.


Recent variation on that has been the "send this text message to at least ten of your contacts, and Verizon will credit your account $60!!" Does anyone even take the time to verify these things? I've got them something like five times.

Other news:

For the record, the last half of my last post was not about LotRO, but about Fire Emblem. Notice the deliberate shift from me the warrior (or hunter, in this case) to me the tactician/commander in chief. =P

I'm also getting a little tired of everyone and their grandmother's metal band doing renditions of Carol Of The Bells. Yay for minor keys and six-eight time and all, but seriously. It's been done. Many, many times. And usually the guys who write them just end up sitting on the tonic chord or the "Merry, merry, merry, merry christmas!" line just before tonic (like TSO does) and power-strumming, usually on the 1 2-and and-4 5 6 pattern which just SCREAMS of originality and creativity. Sure, I like listening to TSO. But dangit if that isn't boring as heck. I wanna hear Carol, I'll go listen to a choir, or maybe a handbell choir.

No, I wanna hear maybe Epica do "It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas" or "Silent Night" or something like that. Something different.

Speaking of Christmas music, if you're a hot-shot vocalist and you want to do a Christmas chart, think twice about showing off how much you can ornament the melody. If it's a pop tune, sure maybe. If it's a carol or a traditional hymn, either sing it straight or shut the heck up. Those songs fall under the same category as the national anthem; you're going to tick off far too many people if you make the song all about how awesome you are.

Yay for rant posts. >_>

Anyway, now my sisters are fighting over who can get to use my computer; no one wants to get on the ancient thing anymore. =D Maybe this'll help persuade the parents to start trying to upgrade it.

Also, the dog chewed up my earmuffs. I made sure to express my disapproval. (I also wonder who the heck left them out for him to get at.)

Shutting up.
