
*seizure!* – Today I was requested to take our borrowed leaf blower and move all the front lawn detritus to the ditches at the side of the road. So first thing I do is go looking for an extension cord. I find one by the back door, but it's kinda short, so I keep hunting around in our little garage full of flotsam and various tools and a boat rack made of PVC. Buried on the workbench happens to be our long one, and I grab it and hook everything up out front only to realise/remember (at the same time) that the long extension cord can't hold a current, which is why we had buried it on the workbench. So I mutter, tromp back to the garage, grab the other cord (which I know won't reach but to half of the yard, fire up the blower . . . and ninety seconds later the darn thing dies.


So I go back inside, where in the meantime I'd been feeding William (the stray whom we seem to be gradually domesticating), check on a few things, pester Sam for a while in the chat (seriously, Sam, did you ever leave today?), called my mother (who was shopping in a city about an hour away) and told her what was going on, tried the blower again, got another ninety seconds out of it, and went to grab a rake.

Now, I don't mind manual labor at all. I enjoy it, actually. But it's really hard to rake when the piles that the previous rakers had left unbagged have been rained on several times and are now much more flat, soggy, and really really hard to move.

So more raking will be done this week. Whee.

*stroke!* – My mother's BMG Music account expired through lack of use, and so this fall she made another one (in my name o_O), ran through the initial joining order deal (where you pay for just the shipping?) to see what all of my massive music list she could find on the site and to which the offer applied . . . and then apparently actually ordered the music. So I'm getting a wicked, massive, big-ass music haul this year. More details on that when all the packages arrive.

*cardiac arrest!* – Okay, so these bullets are obviously really insensitive. But speaking of music orders, I went ahead and bought the E.S Posthumus Cartographer album through CD Baby today (cdbaby.com), and got my confirmation emails pretty well STAT. I wasn't really surprised, since the status of the CD said "will ship immediately", but yeah, kinda cool. Then I actually read the emails and was rather amused. First one was nice:

"A______ -

Thanks for ordering from CD Baby!

This is a happy automated email to let you know your order was placed

And other order information. I thought the "happy automated email" was a nice touch. Someone has a brain and a sense of humor both over there in Oregon.

Then I read the second one and just about had a hernia. Here, I'll show you. (Also, my handwriting with mouses is horrid.)

(Also I seem to like speaking in parentheticals. Hunh.)


