I Do Not Debate

For the most part I sit out of threads of this nature. On the one hand you have genuine topics started for the purpose of discussion, but the fellows whom the thread attracts are quite often interested only in taking one side and defeating the other, persisting almost beyond reason and regularly basing their continued contest on flawed attitudes of their adversary, instead of solely flawed reasoning or a flawed base of information. And since I find the exercise a waste of time, I abstain, and am content to let the Intellectuals have their day.

On the other hand you have items posted merely to inform, and debates arise then because either the same debaters are involved or a person simply cannot accept that they might have gone about forming their opinion wrongly, in which case emotions tend to run rampant and the atmosphere is generally ruined for everyone. Again, I abstain, for involving myself here would serve no purpose but to rile both me and the person to whom I address myself.

When I do allow myself to be drawn into such situations, it is only because I feel there has been a statement that is either fundamentally flawed or is based on a flawed idea or a preconcept, the latter of which is usually biased beyond reason. My purpose then is not so much to tell my addressee that they are wrong, but instead that they should make certain of themselves before making a statement that they might not have completely assessed. If I am wrong, and they are fully aware of what they are saying, then I will concede the issue and fall silent again, having learned something myself. If I am right, then I will continue discussion with them until an understanding is reached.

However, there are cases where I have become decidedly hostile. I do not enjoy such occasions, and I reserve the action for when a person has not only continued defending their stance with the same ideas that have been questioned (which is exactly the same as defining a word with itself; i.e. " 'deep' means, like, a deep pit"), but themselves become hostile and accusatory. To me, that is one of the ultimate declarations of a Fool, and I do not look favorably upon Fools. I will then do everything in my power to crush all of that person's current stances, along with any and all possible retorts and refuges I can conceive of them using. My language becomes cold, harsh, and disdainful because the person at that point has cast away all rights to my respect.

In all of that, though, I try as hard as possible to ensure that emotion does not rule my voice. My goal is only the presentation of the truth, and once I lose the presence of emotions, that truth may very well be presented as if it were concrete blocks in a hurricane.

And if you ever happen to be on the receiving end of this and find yourself becoming angry, know that my statements are designed specifically to anger those who cannot or will not admit to even a slight flaw. Those who allow themselves to see reason will feel a tad stung, but will otherwise be unaffected. I do not speak thus out of malice; I am merely out of patience.

And if you doubt that this approach is effective, you should see my father use it against me.