
Working on a paper on Franz Schubert's life and an analysis of one of his lieder. Hope to have it done before three this morning. Don't expect to see me around.

Worship this morning was absolutely kickin'. Started rehearsal at eight stone cold with our opener, which was basically a total chop-buster. ("Everlasting God") Second lick in and the lead trumpet is already screaming. I had lead 'bone, so I'm following him on most everything. Man, I love charts where I can sit with a bite to my sound the whole time.

Soundboard guy passed me after the second service and told me he kept turning the brass up in the mix because our parts were so tight. With the way John, Curtis and I were ripping some of those licks, I wonder that he needed to.

I'm missing four Super Bowl party invitations for this paper. Frick.
