Did I miss some memo here?

Maybe some flyer, or did someone open a book behind my back? Is there some sort of contest to try and be the first to prove me wrong on grammar stuff at OB? First snot-nosed kid to do it gets the gold star, the silver Sheriff's pin?

Are you serious?

Right, in the first place, I don't frilling care. I can do this stuff easy as breathing, so if I get distracted one day then I'm going to snicker and fix it and go on about my business.

Second, I'm only going to pick at you about it if 1) I know you know better and 2) I know you know I'm kidding around. If you're known to be terrible at this thing, or if you just don't care all that much, I'm not going to bring it up.

Third, like I said before, I can do this stuff easy as breathing. I have been reading since I was five and writing since I was seven. I taught myself everything, essentially; I was handed a grammar workbook and told "Go," and I finished the darn things faster than I was supposed to for my age. I had a college-age reading skill when I was in the freaking FIFTH GRADE.

I know my freaking shit.

So. Next time someone decides to play Mr. Red Pen to me when I'm serious about something, like it's some sort of one-up-manship, either they had better know what the frick they're doing and can PROVE it, or I will quite honestly tear them two new orifices of my choosing.

And they had better not screw up on the proof, either.

Seriously piss me off....
