Maybe I wasn't clear.

Maybe I skipped a bit of crucial information last post, because some of you don't seem to get why this has pissed me off worse than a rock in a hornet's nest.

Look, I don't mind friendly banter. I don't mind you coming and telling me I slipped up somewhere so I can go fix it. The "inaguration costs fotune" thread amused me to no end. I welcome correction on my works of fiction, and to an extent even my RP posts.

That's not the problem.

The problem is a different situation entirely.

Say I make a comment about a certain usage, or part of speech, and you see it. Say you get it into your head that that's not right, and you decide that this is your big chance to show Allamorph that he's not the Universal King of Grammar like he seems to think he is. Say you post to said effect, you make a big hairy deal out of the whole thing, almost celebrating my downfall. And you get it wrong.


You freaking pompous ass.

What do you want? You want I should come out and flat say I'm better than all of you? You want me to declare I'm as arrogant as I seem to be? Sure. I'll be happy to freaking oblige you.

I dare you to write a single post for an RP better than me. Just one. Just freaking one. Oh, and while you're at it, you shouldn't need more than one freaking draft, right? I never do. I write all my damn posts in one freaking sitting. Maybe I'll check for a word that slipped by me here and there. But I can do in hours what you can do in freaking days.

Is that what you want to hear? Does that make you freaking happy?

Or are you just more pissy now than you were before?

So I'll say it again.

Next time you want to make a freaking circus out of grammar issues involving me, you had damn well better know your freaking shit. I sure as hell know mine.
