Thanks, but please let the moderators deal with double posts.

Is anyone else wondering why so many people seem to be having problems with the concept of April 1st? I mean, sure, I was utterly stymied last year when dA went and replaced all the avatars with Mudkips—I actually spent two hours trying to figure out what worm I'd accidentally been hit with, but once I remembered that the day technically changes at midnight, and remembered what day it was, I got my head back together and laughed at my silly reaction.

And I can understand if a member is from the Middle East and has no idea what April Fool's even is in the first place. But if you're a Westerner, you have no excuse.

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Also, I think I need to pick on Kastom a while. I think his string of "hahahahahahahahahahahaha"s is good fodder.....
