Shoo-beeeeee dooby-doooo.....

I was a foot and two inches from a male cardinal today. I love birds, sometimes.

Also, wtf April. It's 51 degrees outside. WHERE THE DEVIL IS MY SPRING??!!

So last night at about eleven-fifteen I got to wondering if we get Good Friday off this year. So I checked. And then I realised that this week was advisement for our fall semester.

First thought: "Crud." (Yes, I am Falco Lombardi. We were SO CLOSE to Venom!)

So I pull up my course flowchart that's sitting on my desktop. One great thing about being an ME here at Tech is that the department is nerdy enough to lay out the courses in a flowchart, so you can see what classes you need to take to get where, and what classes you can take whenever you feel like it. So I get cracking on mine, and ten minutes later I realise I have just scheduled myself fifteen hours.

And ten minutes after that I realise I have laid out my entire fall semester. And just ten minutes ago I was meeting with my advisor and getting signed off on my schedule. This rocks.

So I said at some point that I was never going to take another course at eight in the morning if I could help it. Well, fall semester is going to be no exception, because my lab for Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering (why
this course is in the Mechanical path I will never know) starts at eight and lasts for three hours. The good part? I only have to get up at eight on EITHER Tuesday or Thursday. The other day will begin at noon and end at three.

So not counting my two ensembles, I have fifteen hours and six classes. This compared to a year ago when I had fourteen hours and eleven classes. Being an undergrad Music major sucks. =P Amirite, Darren? You ain't got time to do jack crap with that kind of schedule, and then you have to practice ON TOP OF THAT. For at least five hours total. Every day. I'm surprised there aren't more suicides. (Although I'm also happy that there aren't more. Jays, am I politically correct, or what?)

Ohhkay, nothing for the weekend. Time to write. FINALLY. =)
