
I do not like the rain.

Well, that's not entirely true. I love the sound, and the atmosphere a gentle one brings, and just sitting and watching it while I think about whatever I'm not thinking about. It's really quite pleasant.

As long as its not on me.

I take to being wet about as well as I take to a shot in the mouth. Makes me feel all pinned down and slinky and I start a tic of repeatedly wiping myself off as best I can, and just makes me want to shake it all off and ... !!!!

It started raining every time I stepped outside this afternoon.

And not just any rain, either. This rain was cold and wind-whipped and full of large, nasty unpleasant drops that made you shout just on contact. I mean, I was sprinting probably fifty feet between buildings, and when I got inside I looked like I'd had a five-gallon bucket of water thrown at my left side.

At least my hair is short right now. That's be a bunch of mess I don't wants to be dealin' with.


I probably should have clarified last time, 'cause a bunch of you darn people took me all literally and what. =P

I was referring to writing for fun. Even though a lot of essay stuff and papers and what follow a similar process for me, I consider them completely separate from writing for me. So yeah, I know that that kind of stuff takes a bit more time and planning than normal, but hell, guys, I don't write dissertations on a regular basis. =P

Miss A.Someone seriously needs to draw the Tron squirrels.
I would be unbelievably entertained. (Where ya been, by the way?)
