Oh screw this.

Doggone it, I open up one of my .avi files just so I can listen to a cool ending theme today, and as soon as the FFv codec is loaded I get logged out of chat. And YIM dies. And I lose all streaming and dynamic services, except for Aim.

And then I don't get it back even twenty minutes after shutting down the video, which means it probably wasn't even the video. Because how a local codec could screw up ethernet stuff is beyond my realm of reasoning.

I'm going to go back to downloading stuff. Freaking stupid campus internet gateways.

And yeah, why is it that Aim still works when I lose all the other streaming stuff? MSN, YIM, Pandora, YouTube, iMeem, VeOH, all of it just disappears . . . but old Aim chugs right along. It boggles my mind.


Anyway, the whole family came up for Easter just to see me. =3 Had lunch at Chili's after morning services stuff, talked a whole bunch about various unimportant things such as fainting goats and old schoolmates/coworkers and vacuum cleaner pipes and hazardous flying apples and cows going cow tipping (which turns out to be fatal to cows) and lots of tommyrot. And I've got a big ole' bag o' Skittles. I mean like the pound-and-a-half variety. Woohoo.

I also have food and milk and soda and q-tips again, so all is right with the world.

This morning I found a very odd passage in Paul's letter to the Colossians that seemed to be warning against following dietary fads, of all things. Chapter 2, verses 20-23, if anyone's interested. Gist of it was "don't listen to people who say 'don't touch this; don't handle that' in regards to perishable items, 'cause it won't matter if you overindulge anyway". Which is true. I mean, our bodies need carbs and proteins and fats and sugars and salts and all sorts of goodies, so depriving ourselves of them makes no logical sense. If I ate nothing but corn and peas every day of the week, I'm sure something wacky would be going on in the nether regions soon.

That and I would get really sick really fast of corn and peas. I like pizza and steak and potatoes now and again, thanks.

Lord, I was born a ramblin' man.....

Father brought his straight horn up for me to experiment with on the upcoming jazz concert, and the bucket mute in case the straight sound doesn't work. I get until Tuesday to find out what I'll be going with. This concert is going to be sweet. I should see if my friend in the recording booth can find it in his heart to slip me a copy of the evening's recording.

Speaking of recordings, I might see if I can get Audacity to hook me up with a ripped track of the Gunsmith Cats ending theme. Sweet little gospel/R&B jazz chart, and I can't find it anywhere to link to. I didn't list GC earlier on my download list because I was even more nervous about it than I was of Excel Saga, and my nervousness over Excel was funnier than this one. But I wasn't let down. Bit fanservicey, but when the premise is around *gasp* female assassins/bounty hunters for hire, what do you expect?

Heh. Gunsmith Cats, Noir, Madlax. Theme, much? =P I guess it all boils down to how Spike Spiegel put it.

I love a woman who can kick my ass.
