*futile gesture*

A concept that's always bothered me in literature is the static weak female support. I can't stand when women are written into a story because a plot-mover needed to be filled and then they end up as either the inept klutzes who foul everything up for the hero or the inept capturee who must be rescued by the hero, typically ending up as fodder for the hero's bed.

Come on. I lived with four girls for eighteen years. And from about the second year of high school on I hung out with a crew of intelligent chicks (none of whom were bad-looking, lest you were suspicious). I refuse to believe that anyone has enough self-confidence to attempt to help an impossible situation which is clearly not their concern yet lack the brains or the improvisational skills to actually succeed at least in part.

But there's something that ticks me off more.

o hai, Marvel

This also seems like the perfect time to announce our Marvel Divas limited series, beginning in July, from Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa and Tonci Zonjic, featuring some of the Marvel Universe’s greatest female heroes in a way you haven’t seem them before.

“The idea behind the series was to have some sudsy fun and lift the curtain a bit and take a peep at some of our most fabulous super heroines. In the series, they're an unlikely foursome of friends—Black Cat, Hell Cat, Firestar, and Photon—with TWO things in common: They're all leading double-lives and they're all having romantic trouble. The pitch started as "Sex and the City" in the Marvel Universe, and there's definitely that "naughty" element to it, but I also think the series is doing to a deeper place, asking question about what it means...truly means...to be a woman in an industry dominated by testosterone and guns. (And I mean both the super hero industry and the comic book industry.) But mostly it's just a lot of hot fun.”

Key words: Sex and the City.



Marvel, you freaking moron. Morons. Plural. Apparently to be a woman in an industry dominated by testosterone and guns, said woman has to constantly remind people that she has boobies and likes to be naughty. And said woman has to be stressing over not having a man despite flauntage of said rack. And said woman has to be indignant over being materially idolatarised just because she likes to oh-so-subtly point out that she has stonking great bazongas.

Sorry, but if you insist on flapping your fun-bags in my face like so much DOA beach volleyball atrocities, I doubt I'll be able to take you seriously as an "empowered woman". I will, however, pay you the going rate for street hookers for your time.

And after that, who the frick comes up with these ideas? Did all the guys have their hands plunging into their slacks during the storyboarding for this?

Meh. It'll sell, so useless rant is useless. Useless rant is also at three-thirty in the morning. This has been an interesting day.
