An actual post ABOUT MY LIFE!!

Today was long. Holy moley.

I wake up at seven for no reason. I roll over and go back to sleep, waking up at eight for no reason. I doze until eight-thirty, get up, eat breakfast (two large bowls of tasty Corn Pops), head off to AutoCAD lab.

Couple of concepts slip my mind, probably because I was dead tired yesterday and accidentally passed out for twenty minutes during lecture. So I spent the entire hour there, trying to get my sketching done so I could get out and make a pretty significant drop.

Finally out of the building at ten after ten, hurry over to the music building and hope I hadn't kept waiting the girl who needed the music anthology I'd needed yesterday. (Hooray analysis papers.) Turns out I hadn't. In fact, quite the opposite. Stood in the lobby 'til quarter 'til eleven when she finally showed up. That was a good half hour I could have used.

Head back to dorm and shower. Decide that's probably why I'd woken up at eight in the second place. Whoops. =) (I woke up at seven in the first place. Man, I'm funny.) Great thing about showering mid-morning is there's no one else around, so I don't feel bad about taking a half hour. =3

Eleven-forty and I'm gone again, all the way across campus (fifteen-minute walk since I'm feeling laid-back) to drop off my trombone for the afternoon's rehearsal. Gets tiring hauling the sucker around on your back all over God's creation, and I have a class right before rehearsal, so convenient tuba cases are convenient for hiding.

Calculus 3 at noon. Apparently I dozed off Wednesday afternoon for that class, too; I can't remember a darned thing about line integrals, so I have barely any idea what's going on. Time for some reading, I guess. I absorb concepts in the meantime.

Half-hour break at one for lunch. I eat half a pizza because I know I'm not going to get to eat for a long time after that.

Chemistry at one-thirty. Review session for the hour exam later; I got a good few items straightened out in my head. I dunno what it is this semester, but although I understand everything being taught, something in my mathematics keeps frilling up in this course. Thank goodness for the lab grade.

Class runs an hour and a half, then I go straight to concert band rehearsal. Breezy rehearsal, since the concert is tomorrow night. We run through charts, hit the odd rough spot, get out in an hour. Yeehaw.

Back at the dorm at quarter of four. I get 'til five-thirty to not do things. So I don't. That's a double negative; I study a bit of chemistry real fast before reading through a couple of manga updates and then watching "Lost Kitten" of Noir. That done, I toss one powdered donut down the hatch, a swig of water, and off to dress rehearsal.

Dress rehearsals are funny things because it's only literal for theater rehearsals. For musical ensembles, dress rehearsal means "play through the concert as if it was a concert", and not "dress up like you'll be dressed for the concert". People seem to have difficulties grasping the concept....

Anyway. Rehearsal runs about and hour and a half; the director knows a third of the band (concert band has a lot of non-majors, including myself—do I count as a lot of non-major?) has Chemistry at eight, and the Symphony band rehearses right after us (we share the concert tomorrow night), so hooray for not having to run all over God's creation YET AGAIN and being able to deposit my horn back at the dorm and grabbing a water bottle before going off for examinations.

My floor RA and I crack jokes back and forth until the test is started. He calls for a radio to be brought in; teacher says she can sing for us; I threaten to break into some Celene Dion, and immediately get "I Just Died In Your Arms Tonight" lodged firmly in my head . . . which is NOT CELENE DION YES I KNOW THANKS A LOT FOR YOUR HELPFUL INSIGHT. We're supposed to sit three chairs apart with an empty row between each occupied row. Yeah. Not gonna happen. Chick walks in looking for a seat; RA tells her to grab the spot to my left and she says cheating off of her is a bad idea (nevermind that the tests vary not only from person to person, but row to row), to which he replies smoothly that he was just trying to hook me up. I grin and bob my eyebrows. Laughs all around.

(She's a looker, in case you shallow Hals were wondering.)

Kid walks out the instant the test is begun. He wrote down all Cs. (I notice this because I was the first to turn in that copy of the test besides him, so I got to scan his sheet.) I have him in Chemlab; I'm not terribly surprised at his action, but I am a little depressed.

Back to the dorm. Mass Effect for two hours; I have many nasty pain-inducing guns, and I like to be a jerk. We've been taking turns playing through on our own profiles on my friend's system, and so far I'm the only guy who uses his other party members' abilities regularly. Classifications in Mass Effect are Soldier (guns, guns, and more guns), Tech (dur), and Biotics (essentially The Force without using The Force). I'm a Vanguard, so I run Soldier/Biotic cross-class and can cause pain and irritation in lots of ways. Usually have with me an Infiltrator (Soldier/Tech) who can bullet-spray along with robbing you of your shields, exploding your gun, and stripping you of your biotic powers. I have him do this a lot. =3

So yes, two hours there. So far I'm about eight levels (experience) ahead of the other guys when they were at the level (stage) I just finished. And I keep getting tossed more side-missions. And I am at no shortage of cash, or items I can sell for cash, so all the BFG guns my hometown Acquisitions officer has for me get quickly taken by yours truly.

I am not a friendly person in combat. My strategy for dealing with a mini-boss with adds is to toss up the abilities menu, have my Techie explode either the weapon (does DPS as well) or shields of the mini-boss, use my own Warp ability which does more DPS as well as at present dropping their damage resistance by 60%, and telling my other party member that it's time to throw on the Overkill mode. Then I tell her (HER, yes, girl is a Soldier and can kick all sorts of ass) to target miniboss while I busy myself tossing adds over cliffs or into handy walls, or using my fistful of boomstick to . . . well, basically create these nice little abstract hole patterns in my targets.

And now I'm here. And I just ate dinner at eleven-thirty. And I don't know whether to watch .hack// or play StarCraft until bed.

There is a grocery bag full of milk chocolate Easter candy on the floor at the foot of my bed. Milk chocolate makes me feel strange; I need at least forty-percent dark. I doubt I'll eat much of this candy.

Edit: All aboard the SHIKA TRAIN!!
