Good day.

Fun times in AutoCAD this morning because the guy from the Rapid Prototype Printing Lab came over to our class and showed us how 3D designs were realised using the machine.

Basically, the model is divided into so many levels, and then the machine takes a layer of starch powder and a layer of adhesive binder, and that becomes one level of the prototype. This way we can literally print things in three dimensions. It's pretty cool.

Then day goes normally until Calculus, where I saw a friend of mine whom I rarely see. I talked with here until I had to go to class. I wish we ran into each other more often. I think we have the exact same leather jacket, come to think of it....

Then I was hungry so I grabbed a Snickers a purple bag of Skittles, whatever flavor type those are. Ate them during Calculus, went over material for a quiz tomorrow. Joked with people that we'd get our tests from two weeks ago back after graduation. We all laughed because we know it's almost probable.

Then had lunch with one of my classmates because the cafeteria was packed with high-school kids and I was the only face he recognised. I made a friend! =P Joked about how all high-school kids look like they're in high school, for some reason. Might be because they haven't had to survive on their own yet. (And I mean the middle/upper class kids; the ones who get obsessed with social crap or wear black studded hoodies and look like ghosts because they go straight from home to Mom's van to school to Mom's van to their room to mope.) There was a line at the soft-serve ice cream machine for forty minutes, I kid you not. And it never moved.

After that ran into a friend whom I knew casually but also hadn't seen in a while. We met in the parking lot at about 2:30 this afternoon and talked nonstop until I left his room at four. Topics ranged from schoolwork to meals with appropriate sodas (like wine), to soda flavor scales to the economy and government to general societal trends and some basic history stuff to gaming information and optical equipment (his specialty) to summer jobs to anime. Apparently he was surprised to learn I was into anime. He said the exact same thing last year just before he gave me the first season of Death Note. He's had bouts with seizures over break, though, so he's still getting his head unfuzzied from that mess.

Man, it's refreshing to talk to another person who thinks for themselves and doesn't rush to agree with or repeat everything you say when you make a valid point. Like talking with some of you guys. It's why I come here. There's people who ain't dumb 'round these parts.

Speaking of anime, download status report:

  • .hack//SIGN
  • Ghost in the Shell: Solid State Society
  • Noir
  • Gunsmith Cats (it's silly)
  • Outlaw Star
  • Glass Fleet (rapidshare)
  • Witch Hunter Robin (moved up because I wanted to watch it before Big O)
  • The Big O in progress
  • The Twelve Kingdoms on queue
  • etc.

I have an optional lab tomorrow at nine, a quiz at noon and a class from 1:30 to 3:00, then I am totally free. I plan on losing at least an inch on all three of my pencils. =D
