Doo-wop, diddy-wop, diddy-wop, doo.

While we're doing song quotes, and all.

One exam down. Took all of twenty minutes. So now I'm typing without any letters. Looks like this:

It's kinda hard, but I'm doing okay so far. Worst bit is remembering where the b, n, m, and comma keys sit. And hitting the dot for the spacebar is slowing down my speed.

Anyway, been on a Rapidshare kick (oops, that was Ctrl not Shift) because I found this nifty add-on for Firefox that does the whole thing for me, so I've been able to leave the system on overnight and download when the good speeds happen. Finished downloading basically everything for Ghost in the Shell except for SAC 2nd Gig (which I could only find in single-audio which again irritates me), Ergo Proxy, and am closing in on the last bits of Last Exile. Soon as I get home I'll fire up the Megaupload stuff again because 27 kb/sec is absolutely ridiculous.

Also Last Exile is gorgeous. Also also it seems like adding noise to some of these series tricks my eyes into seeing clearer. Also also also in exchange for transferring my new collection of GitS to a buddy, I get a very pretty rip of Bebop, a nice-looking Blue Submarine No. 6, and possibly some FLCL. Also^4 I forgot how hilarious it is to watch Big O. Also^5 Ninja Terminator was some serious bad. Shin, we will talk soon. XD

And a car was brought up to me so I can move back home at my own tempo. Good thing, too, 'cause my lock is acting up and I can't lock my room with my key, so now I can store any valuables there temporarily.

I find it amusing that I know by memory the Home, End, and Delete keys. I haven't looked for them once.

Edit: HAH of course taking off my keyboard means I forget to post to the correct world.

Edit 2: Apparently switching worlds now doesn't register an update with the second world, which is why this has been sitting all day and no one's read it. =P So hopefully checking this boxie thingummy should help. Hooray for clean, reassembled keyboard. (Read my comment for things to make more sense.) I leave you with words of wisdom from Witch Hunter Robin.

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