I asked him if he spoke my language.

He just smiled and made me a Vegemite sandwich.

So now both sketches I've been working on are on hold. Why? Well, I took my bag with me to the recording session yesterday in the hopes of writing sommat when we had some down time. I'm home.

It's not.

So my Notebook is trapped in a church an hour and a half away, including the four full (front/back) pages of the Sketchus Interruptus that I'd been trying to get out of my head. I thought briefly that everything would be fine and I could just restart the Veridan sketch, but then I remembered I already had two-thirds of the first front covered and I'm not going to erase that.



So now I have to make an excuse to make an hour and a half drive to go get my bag. If it was anything else, I would strongly consider leaving it there until fall semester. But this is my Notebook. I kind of need it.

I mean, really. I already have no music. I can write on other paper, since I have some other notebooks laying around, but that one has all my sketches and all my notes from all my timelines and is basically my second brain.

Also my sister randomly completed my Toa Nuva collection Saturday. Came down and handed me the container for Tahu (the red guy) along with . . . uhh, the blue one, the aquatic one, the girl, I CAN'T REMEMBER HER NAME. She has axes in the second generation. I know this because I remember details and because I already had that model sitting on my bookcase. So I used the other one for spare parts for Tahu, since he was missing a few. (My sisters like LEGOs, like I do, but they're terrible at keeping hold of pieces.)

Now I just have to figure out how to pose Pohatu again. Or whatever his name was. Something kind of bumbling, like his second design. (Although looking back now, their original designs were really skeletal. Hunh. I still like Kopaka's split-blade better than any other sword anyone has had. Thank you, DC, for a few months of awesomeness.)

Oh yes, and obviously I favored the ice elemental. Especially since the only line on the page I linked you to was "And the darkness cannot stand before me." Hell of a way to start the first comic. Whee!

When was that first printed? 2000?
