A Ricochet Biscuit is the kind of a biscuit that has to BOUNCE BACK into yo' mouth.

If it doesn't bounce back....

I am going out of town tomorrow to get my notebook. Not having it is starting to tick me off. I am literally literarally (new word?) paralysed. I keep thinking "well, I could start on . . . no, no I can't. Actually, I could . . . no, no I can't. Oh hey, maybe . . . DAMMIT!" I figure if I'm going to be out of work for a while I can at least get some practice in. Especially since I'm wanting to start taking that talent a bit more seriously now. (Been thinking. Sometimes it's bad for me. =P)

Measured the length of my jogging route today. It's about a mile and a half, give or take a tenth. Considering I jogged for four weeks last summer and pushed myself up to .8 miles, naturally I come back for the summer and immediately decide on that distance. Of course. Sure.

Also I jog in jeans and boots. I have a feeling that if I get used to that, boot camp would be nothing. (Hey, at least I go at night, neh?)

Uhh. Pants.

Also Facebook status of a friend of mine:

John G___ just texted a student's mother to see if she could do her solo on stage tonight before church. Only instead of the word "solo", a wrong button and the miracle of T9 predictive text, inadvertently typed the word "porn" in place of "solo".


Guess I'll make an attempt at DMC3 now that I've finished the story for LOTR: The Third Age. It's either that or go grind and get all the abilities for the characters, or go reopen Legend of Dragoon or FFX, both of which need finishing. (I'm trying to stay off of Chao for at least a week.)

Found my watch. It was under the cushion of my armchair. (Yes. I live in a basement not-bedroom with a semi-loft bed and an armchair. =3 And yet I have no air vent.) And not just in the slipped-down-the-crack under, either. Completely under. I blame my dog, back when he ate my headphones. Speaking of those, though, I have a pair of Sony "heavy bass" earbuds that are quite nice. So I've gotten back into my anime stash again. Up to Last Exile 11, Big O 15, and finished FLCL just this morning. <3 Tell you what, though. Big O 14 sure didn't pull any metaphorical punches. Episode should have been titled Roger The Hobo. =P

Soon as we get a router, guys. (We have a second modem, for no reasons I can quite understand, since the old one works just fine, but I can't establish internet through it with anything.) Then I'll be back with business.

Oh. The other day I was standing in line at Wal-Mart and joshing with my dad, and all of a sudden the cashier starts giggling like a schoolgirl. I glance over and she's staring at me and apologising; apparently I had been twitching my moustache back and forth and she had been captivated. I wasn't even aware I was doing it. Maybe I should take it up as a parlor trick. =P

My parents and I are at odds occasionally because the shows I like to watch (CSI and NCIS, notably) have content issues. Good grief; it's not like I'm watching Nip/Tuck. And they all love House, for the love of mike. I see barely any difference. Man, I wish Sci-Fi would rerun Farscape.

If it doesn't bounce back . . . *snigger* . . . YOU GO HUNGREH!!

