So you think you're a Romeo, playin' a part in a picture show.

Take the long way home.

So you remember me saying I had a sketch that was interrupting my thought flow?

Yeah. Sixth page, top of the back side. Not finished. Why can't these things be SHORT?

I'm trying to write at least two hours a day now, so I can get this thing drafted and start putting it into Word and some sort of reasonable format. And it should be obvious now why I don't care for writing competitions that say "500 words or less". What the heck kind of room is that? You can't tell anything with that.

Also I am getting the impression that my father is holding out on the router for reasons beyond my comprehension (or at least I'm hoping so, because the only reason I can think of at present is incredibly immature and pointless), so here soon I think I'll copy all pertinent post information onto a jump drive so I can get a post up this weekend. I've been down for too long, even for me.

Four episodes out from the end of Big O. Finished Ghost In The Shell and Innocence. Innocence was peculiar; I think I might have to watch it again to see what I missed, because I'm still a tad lost. I mean, I get the general idea, but there are a lot of little details that don't seem to be falling into place anywhere. The art was pretty, though. I think the mesh of anime with pseudo-3D was well-done. Though I did start to go "what is it with these birds all over the place" after a while.

Also I see why some people prefer subtitles over dubbed anime. It's easier to understand. If I hadn't kept seeing supernotes telling me what Batou, Togusa, and Aramaki were quoting, I might not have known they were quoting anything at all.

Which also tells me that people who prefer subtitles for that reason (as opposed to the ones who just like to hear it in Japanese) are lazy and uneducated. I spotted about four quotes (out of better than forty, so I'm not that amazing) just from my own memory, so if you can't get any of them without hints, that means you need to get off your duff and start reading something instead of watching anime all freaking day.
