Its hard to bargle nawdle zouss.

Sometimes I feel like I die a little inside every time I see the weekly WC-parade for chat advertisements. I know what they are without even looking, but they're in bold....

Our dog sits on his butt with his hind legs stuck out in front of him. It's so funny. I don't think he has any joints in his legs.

So tonight I was watching the Travel channel with my father. Caught the last half of Man Vs Food and then started watching some bizarre thing after it about the world's most something roadside stops, or something. One of them was this massive deal off the Autobahn, which they mentioned as having all sorts of amenities, including a massive spa/sauna/pool/etc. And, of course, being European, they said, bathing suits were option. At this point they showed a clip of three middle-aged German men diving buck naked into a pool. (Censored, but not black-barred.)


"And if all that swimming has put you in the mood for sausage...."

I didn't realise what had happened until I was halfway through the mocking "No" I usually tell the television when it asks me something stupid. My father and I laughed uproariously for about ten minutes afterwards. Holy crap.

Found a book at my library in the for sale section: The Early Asimov, by Isaac Asimov. It's a collection of all his short stories before he was widely known, with commentary by him. Hardback. Paid $1.00 for it.


Watched a crapload of NCIS today. No one complained, because they were all doing something else! =)

Also I get griped a lot for being on the computer late at night. Which, granted, is my usual time to get on when I'm at home. However, that's because I have at least four other people who also want to use the internet during the day, and two sisters who like to play little farming games and doing stuff on Meebo (despite being both in high school now) and other such brain-decomposing stuff, so I tend to just wait until it's available. Which is usually after eleven-thirty.

And so I get griped at.


It's temporary. I hope. So I'll cope. Because that's what you're supposed to do, actually. Bitching about stuff you can't change doesn't do anything except make you realise you were being a bitch. (Same principle to me that punching a pillow doesn't do anything for relieving my anger because afterwards I have to go pick up my pillow, and I'm still really pissed off. =P) I did let my mother know the other day that I've been choosing not to react to things she's done that would have set off most any other person alive because I don't see a point in getting set off and furthering pointless, misunderstanding-fueled conflict, but that even I was reaching my limits on stuff. I hope it took. I'd rather not get serious again. No one in this house likes it when I get serious.

Not even me. I always shiver a lot afterwards.

ANYway. I can't think of anything else to ramble about that would remotely interest you guys. Nothing amusing that I can doll up with ridiculousness, no catastrophes, nothing on the news for me to make fun of....

Go watch some Craig Ferguson.
